Thursday, March 27, 2008

A new way of SOMINOD!!!

Duration: 00:7 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-02 20:24:54

Its a new way! YAY!


Kikion07  2007-06-03 10:52:37

jpekari  2007-06-03 08:40:34

actually, that isn't even real sonimod, it's just like normal doiminos being toppled, except one is at an angle
HumanTurkey  2007-06-03 00:55:32

we'd have to call it dominod
jpekari  2007-06-02 22:41:47

I though of this way already, just didn't film it

Campeonato Paranaense 2008: Atlético-PR 1x0 Engenheiro B.

Duration: 00:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-17 10:11:06

O gol do jogo.


Marcos prepara café da manhã pra Thati

Duration: 07:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-19 10:23:20

Marcos prepara café da manhã pra Thati ... 19/02/08


Deeh22090  2008-02-23 11:27:14

Muitoo fofos eles juntooos !
mandinha016  2008-02-20 14:02:22

Muitoo perfeitoo! eu quero namorado desses! kkkkkkkkkkkk Valeu pelo vídeo!
amandababadeira  2008-02-19 13:35:49

Muito fofoooooooo!!!!!!

Bleach slideshows

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-25 15:44:46

well it's another one of my slideshows. enjoy


Gamo 440 Target Shooting 2

Duration: 03:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-12 16:04:35

Can the Gamo smash an egg?


znhdfs  2008-01-27 15:54:08

someone schould do this with a high speed camera :)

James Lavelle Ocean Rooms PART 1

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-09 16:16:07

James Lavelle Ocean Rooms PART 1


ashleytitre  2008-03-10 07:57:30

Bare with it, it does kick in... 00:55 - What Is this track?

Spying for Love-New series trailer

Duration: 00:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-13 22:09:13

i really like this idea, tell me what u think pleez


bubbajune1  2008-03-23 04:06:56

i know i cant wait!!!
sexiealexxi  2008-02-16 21:44:15

okay cool i CANOT WAIT!!
jbfanforever123  2008-02-16 21:40:45

soon my puter is being a butt
sexiealexxi  2008-02-16 21:23:15

when is this series coming out?~
sallygirl45  2008-01-27 13:44:05

alsome can't wait!!!!!

Walking Tall Fighting Scenes

Duration: 06:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 15:03:44

Some fighting scenes from Walking Tall made by me.


svenkan  2008-03-20 07:14:42

Yeah :P
peopleschamp29  2008-03-19 20:01:48

rock can really kick ass
sandhuwuut  2008-03-16 00:01:40

i suscribed cus of this vid maan keep it up
svenkan  2008-02-20 10:45:55

Lol hehe ok thank you :D
sandhuwuut  2008-02-19 19:19:04

nice tunes man nice tunes, seriously i luv dis vid i watch it like everyday now:)

E.I.V.#21 - Danny Noriega Tainted Love Remix - Santa n Mom?

Duration: 02:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-05 21:15:02

Eric's Improv Vlog #21: Betcha he wishes he didn't make that Christmas Video Card now!!! Just a dumb improv... It's not good at all. Don't waste your time... EDIT (3/06/08- 8:58pm) : Looks like I was right. However, Danny had a great ride and still beat out 230984094 people to make it to the top 13. I wish him only the best.


snoopy315  2008-03-13 20:25:12

awesome vid teacher
garrysmodguy  2008-03-10 19:22:05

hes making a point great video man
LinnyMace08  2008-03-09 19:01:33

okay one. u are not funny. two. danny is amazing. three. quit trying to make him look bad cuz ur just making yourself look retarded. kthanksbye
thummel2  2008-03-09 12:48:28

No one is saying that anything is wrong with him being gay. No doubt he has talent. But he lacks the class and humility to make it and that's why he got kicked off. Look at all the IDOLS, Clay, Carrie, Ruben, Kelly...all had class and grace. Danny is too obnoxious and that's why AMERICA voted him out regardless of his obvious talent.
thummel2  2008-03-09 12:47:58

No one is saying that anything is wrong with him being gay. No doubt he has talent. But he lacks the class and humility to make it and that's why he got kicked off. Look at all the IDOLS, Clay, Carrie, Ruben, Kelly...all had class and grace. Danny is too obnoxious and that's why AMERICA voted him out regardless of his obvious talent.

Blackwater in Potrero

Duration: 31:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-23 14:46:39

In late 2006, Blackwater USA, now known as Blackwater Worldwide, submitted a proposal to build a training facility called Blackwater West in the rural San Diego County town of Potrero. This documentary tells the story of what followed. Features interviews with Jeremy Scahill, the author of Blackwater: the Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army as well as Brian Bonfiglio, the vice president of Blackwater West; Gordon Hammers, Jan Hedlun, Mary Johnson, Jerry Johnson, and Thell Fowler of the Potrero Planning Board; Raymond Lutz of Citizens Oversight Committee; Rep. Bob Filner, and many others. Producer: Andy Trimlett; Associate Producers: John Odam and Aaron Seeley. Alternate Focus is available on the Dish Network, Free Speech TV, Channel 9415 and on cable stations near you. Check for details. Alternate Focus is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported by viewers like you.


ccf1971  2008-03-26 16:17:23

"The Jesuits have done more moral harm in this world than all the fiendish armies of the mythical Satan." - Madame Helena Blavatsky
OMEGACUBE  2008-03-24 13:29:44

kenites. they are a disciplined army, and they are powerful and can and will take over. Blackwater is just a piece of the puzzle. The obvious one. Keep your eyes open, the game is on.
primal111  2008-03-24 02:22:59

orgonite is what will make the guns stop..
FeelFreeToArgue  2008-03-16 12:29:14

The scariest person in the video is the woman who feels "so safe" surrounded by all the men at Blackwater with guns. This is the cowardly face that trades our rights away. There is no fear free existence, the only thing that even tries to promise it to you is the jackboot. Want to stop being afraid of the world? Get your government to stop screwing with foreign goverments for no reason. Stop the war now!
Byukaniin  2008-02-27 23:13:02

lol i thinks its the anti christ army haha