Monday, August 27, 2007

ICD Freestyle 8 Dryfire - NoX Reloaded NXL Full Auto

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-05 04:50:35
User: Codename067
:::: Favorites

Dryfiring my FS8. This was capped. Check out my Paint video.

lolhax3 ::: Favorites
r u selling it? PM me.
07-07-10 00:34:43
Codename067 ::: Favorites
no, no way lol..i love this marker. never selling it.
07-07-20 04:50:26
lolhax3 ::: Favorites
O well u know any places I can buy an FS-8? please PM me asap
07-07-20 15:35:29
Derby096 ::: Favorites
Paintball Nation, dont be stupid:P
07-07-27 00:23:35
lolhax3 ::: Favorites
I'm too lazy to find one. And I like it squeeky new. ya well nvm.
07-07-28 21:46:38
PBplayer1202 ::: Favorites
where can i get a fs7-fs8 or fspro used or new i need help ty, try PMing me so i can find out faster
07-04-18 21:44:51
Codename067 ::: Favorites
07-05-12 04:23:50
pballempire293 ::: Favorites
do you think i should trade an 06 shocker for a fs-8. just wonderin wanna try something else.
07-04-06 14:25:07
Codename067 ::: Favorites
make sure its not a stock FS8 though, get the FS8 a little upped, maybe a new reg or a new lpr
07-04-18 19:42:13
pballempire293 ::: Favorites
do you think i should trade an 06 shocker or a fs-8? just wonderin.
07-04-06 14:24:10
Codename067 ::: Favorites
i would. right away. shockers are known to be very complicated, FS8s are user friendly.
07-04-18 19:41:41
snoboarder8232 ::: Favorites
Thanks to meeeeeee.
07-02-16 14:19:23
Codename067 ::: Favorites
XD =]
07-02-20 19:12:32
muffinman1111 ::: Favorites
what psi is yours on
07-02-07 18:16:11
muffinman1111 ::: Favorites
i have a fs8 too how psi is yours on
07-02-07 18:15:25
Codename067 ::: Favorites
07-02-11 20:55:04
lexserr ::: Favorites
:D. how much you get it for?
07-02-05 19:10:34
Codename067 ::: Favorites
$500 XD [540 with shipping]
07-02-05 21:49:33

Milkshake; The Ninja

Duration: 00:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-24 20:47:14
User: Hailya
:::: Favorites

My hamster Milkshake is very much so...indeed...a ninja. Btw, my hamster can beat up your hamster. Aaaand Milkshake is a girl hamster. IGNORE SEARCH KEYWORDS: Hamster Stairs Ninja Star Heart Molly The Lion King Skateboard French Vanilla Wafers Chocolate Ice Cream Dr. Pepper Mountain Dew Coke Pepsi Diet Britney Spears Barbie Ken Sprite Music Credit: The Theme From Mission Impossible...2

merrileecutebroaduq ::: Favorites
Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-25 17:45:57
Kimshax ::: Favorites
Pro hamster D:
07-08-08 14:37:25
bramble54 ::: Favorites
i was impressed by his speed!
07-07-04 08:55:26
JAMsquad ::: Favorites
*her : )
07-08-01 19:46:47
SecretForest ::: Favorites
XD cute and funny ^^
07-07-03 17:25:07
ArashiNinja12 ::: Favorites
i like sunflower seed T_T
07-06-30 00:23:50
katatem17 ::: Favorites
Cuteeeee Hamster! But how can it climb stairs? I wish my hamster could do that!
07-05-10 06:23:02
MadManArt ::: Favorites
My hamster, Vega, could totally out-ninja your Milkshake >:]
07-04-28 20:47:30
marieantoinette14 ::: Favorites
so cooooot
07-04-15 21:36:49
MapleBiznat ::: Favorites
this is DarkLogo, NOT [ Dark Logo ] anymore *cries*
07-04-15 09:04:09
Katseira ::: Favorites
OMG kool
07-04-14 10:52:01
Color0fSoul ::: Favorites
all i can say is...LMAO!!!
07-04-06 17:39:18
hannahhey ::: Favorites
LOL that music sooo fits your hamster your hamster looks like my hamster named jewel lol
07-04-01 18:53:15
uvok89 ::: Favorites
LOL a hamster that goes up steps... how did you taught him? or did he learn alone?
07-03-25 09:21:34
5minprod ::: Favorites
he must have teached him very well (cough) (cough)
07-06-10 12:42:45

Paul Fromm ... For Our People - SHOW 5

Duration: 09:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-10 12:27:53
User: CanadaFirst2007
:::: Favorites

For Our People. A weekly show by famous Canadian Freedom Activist Paul Fromm. This weeks show is: The Story of Helmut Oberlander Helmut Oberlander has been the victim of a campaign of vengeance against elderly German and East Europeans since the end of the second world war. Mr. Oberlander has been accused of being a nazi war criminal, with very flimsy evidence. This is Helmut Oberlander's story.

pdhoot ::: Favorites
Yes Mr Fromm, Communism is wrong.. but so is Nazism!! And you are nothing but a nazi who even gave the nazi salute on one of hitler's nazi celebration birthdays in toronto and you still call yourself a traditional christian? What a joke.. haha
07-08-19 17:37:24
canadianbuck77 ::: Favorites
Paul Fromm talks about the things that average middle class people worry about. The Conservtives, Liberals and NDP are just three different flavours of poison for our country. It is so refreshing to hear a real opinion instead of the stupid talking head PC zombies that the mainstream media farts out 24/7
07-08-12 20:58:50
lumster ::: Favorites
The radical militant Zionists that took over our government in America tried to do this same thing with John Demjanyk wrongfully labeling him "Ivan the Terrible" even though it all proved to be just another Zionist lie. The congressman that exposed this lie was railroaded into prison for this effort against these Zionazis! So much for democracy in America!
07-08-12 13:34:01
digitalmorbid ::: Favorites
Thank goodness for Paul Fromm. I've heard of him but never listened until recently on Stormfront Radio. I travel to Canada often and realize many, if not most Canadians don't subscribe to the PC imposed upon them by international jewish elements.
07-08-12 03:53:05
greatwhitenorth88 ::: Favorites
This deportation of an elderly senior citizen is inhumane.
07-08-12 00:07:07
Wilmot ::: Favorites
Great stuff, Paul.
07-08-11 00:46:45
OntaryanBlood ::: Favorites
The authoritative Fascist-like police state of Canada should be ashamed of itself. What a shame.
07-08-11 00:11:13
MaxPayne72 ::: Favorites
07-08-10 15:20:52
Combat18ohio ::: Favorites
wow that a shame.. paul fromm keep up the good fight, your work is great and i am going to start listening to u at midnight.
07-08-10 13:08:42

Titanic 2, En la Superficie. (Subtitulos al español)

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 11:39:26
User: ergafadecadi
:::: Favorites

El Trailer de una supuesta segunda parte de TITANIC.

ergafadecadi ::: Favorites
¿Se puede saber que teneis en contra de este video?
07-08-26 16:57:07
wo3wo3 ::: Favorites
wow!!!!!! pero es solo una supuesta segunda parte u.u!
07-08-26 15:24:31
pixelata14 ::: Favorites
pero es recontra falsa omg! T_T
07-08-21 18:01:36
pixelata14 ::: Favorites
no sera verdad? u_u abuuuuuu ya me veia yo viendo la pelicula .. tiene buena historiaa T_T nooooo yo adoro titanic dios mio! XDDDD
07-08-21 17:49:29
iloveyouedward ::: Favorites
ojala fuera ciertooooooooooooooooooo, pero nooooooooo snifffffffffffff
07-08-15 23:18:16
tienesunmoco ::: Favorites
es puro choro ese trailer.. no va a salir la pelicula leei q no va a salir la pelicula
07-08-13 00:10:23
ergafadecadi ::: Favorites
claro que no va a salir, si lees mi descripcion pone, que es una "supuesta" segunda parte de titanic.
07-08-18 21:05:23
lixarulz ::: Favorites
wow yo kiero ser el primero en ver esa pelicula!
07-08-12 23:22:04
lovexshika ::: Favorites
ein????? O_O Que fuerte xD
07-08-02 18:20:17

that contagious smile

Duration: 05:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-19 17:58:27
User: grobaniteLarisa
:::: Favorites

I don't know about you, but when a guy smiles at me, my legs turn to jelly and my heart races until it stops. You, too? Well, then! Here is a tribute to those weak knees with the most beautiful and contagious smile around! I know it's a little pointless, but it is sort of fun about the 100th time around to see how long you can stare at Josh Groban and his adorably sexy smile without smiling yourself... I can only go about 4 pictures in lol Naturally, this slideshow is accompanied with Josh's rendition of Smile; which led me to decide to make this like an old film. I did make another one in b&w, but decided that you couldn't get the whole weak-knees affect without color. Let me know what you think!! ENJOY!

ansley5ch1ll ::: Favorites
Nice vid. For hot cams girls try out CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-08-26 23:44:21
defyinggravity319 ::: Favorites
GREAT video! is it possible for anyone to send me the "smile" mp3? i don't think my parents will let me pay for the internet special edition cd... :(
07-08-24 14:03:54
russaac ::: Favorites
I'm smiling!!!!! :D
07-08-24 07:38:41
bebopgirlie22 ::: Favorites
Thank you! That was so cute^_^ i smiled the whole way through!! 5/5 we love you Josh!
07-08-16 15:26:18
xotessxo ::: Favorites
*cries that I didn't manage to get my hands on a closer internet only additon* now they're all gone!! *sobs*
07-08-15 00:12:43
grobaniteLarisa ::: Favorites
Good news, Tess!! Smile is a bonus track on the AWAKE internet only edition! And they are still on sale at joshgroban dot com! :D
07-08-15 22:40:15
xotessxo ::: Favorites
hahah, sorry, I had a *dumb* moment there. yeah, I bought the special edition not the INTERNET special edition.. and i was like NUTS. haha. omg!! i cannot wait for Noel. what about you? you a member on the boards or anything? -tess :]
07-08-18 16:09:40
grobaniteLarisa ::: Favorites
my username on FOJG and jg dot com is just Larisa lol a little boring I know but I'm not extremely creative hehehe! Look me up gurl! :D :D
07-08-21 16:07:53
shortymiss ::: Favorites
I smiled then too. He sounds so good every time I hear him. Does he ever get sick or something?
07-08-10 12:53:12
grobaniteLarisa ::: Favorites
Josh does get sick, unfortunately. He has JUST recovered from a sore throat about two weeks ago. He had to postpone a tour show and everything! He is well now, of course, but I think his crazy tour schedule is probably getting the better of him.
07-08-15 22:42:25
shortymiss ::: Favorites
OMG! I jinxed it! I'm so sorry Josh!
07-08-16 07:57:11
xXxKELPiiRExXx ::: Favorites
i smiled as soon as it said "try not to smile" :) amazing video! the grobanites are proud.
07-08-09 11:47:01
grobaniteLarisa ::: Favorites
Thanks :) Coming from a grobie, that makes me feel pretty good! I spent quite a lot of time on this vid lol Like Will Turner says: "A craftsman is always pleased to hear his work is appreciated" ;D :p :D :D
07-08-15 22:44:42
hotbacon123 ::: Favorites
I smile before the pictures even start. I'm pathetic:(
07-08-09 02:17:18
grobaniteLarisa ::: Favorites
You are NOT pathetic! You are a grobanite!!!! :D :D :D
07-08-15 22:44:57
Vyhlidalka ::: Favorites
I love this video...:-)very nice...
07-08-01 13:07:33
may12553 ::: Favorites
Beautifully done! Thank you....Just saw him in concert a few days ago in Albany, NY...amazing!!
07-08-01 01:14:54
MACBUGGIE ::: Favorites
BEAUTIFUL! Really well done and so heartfelt and pleasant. WHAT A FABULOUS MAN HE IS! Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us. Karen
07-07-30 23:10:29
unknowndeoxys00 ::: Favorites
lol.. i'm starting to laugh at the fact that Simba92 brought up....
07-07-22 12:42:46
MarisDLahm ::: Favorites
smiling is contagious and when you see him doing something funny in a picture you start lol-ing and you cant stop
07-07-20 21:20:40

Family Guy - Drunk Stewie (Full Version)

Duration: 06:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-16 09:45:48
User: jackson555666
:::: Favorites

Drunk Stewie

QCBEC ::: Favorites
me too i pissed at me at pacman XD and at hey evrybody look look im gone do im gone do someting is gone freak u out im gona jump from this shelve to my high chair i gona jump u watching u watching u r u r u gona miss it u gona miss it ...ow! god dude did u c it that look at this gage to the side of my legs i cut my self deep deepp rude u drunk ur sexy
07-08-27 00:30:36
QCBEC ::: Favorites
asswHore ... DRUNK XD
07-08-27 00:12:35
XxMaDsPaCexXV2 ::: Favorites
i like the part where they are playing pacman LOL
07-08-26 22:14:42
trixie4567 ::: Favorites
07-08-26 22:10:52
KaRMa7875 ::: Favorites
god wat wat the hell wat the wh why are in here it is rude to the umm the uhhh other people,listen ur drunk! ur sexy! lolol rofl lol
07-08-26 21:08:37
ADRICAROLI73 ::: Favorites
it flat down sucks
07-08-26 19:54:42
Daniel11725 ::: Favorites
i wish i was stewie
07-08-26 19:35:07
00770644 ::: Favorites
07-08-26 19:31:13
lipscratch ::: Favorites
ROFLMAO its was like all slowed down you know? and i was all whoooooaaa ROFL
07-08-26 19:22:56
Justin4547 ::: Favorites
Shrek gets down and dirty with this R-rated version of "Shrek the Third" youtube . com/watch?v=v8dLAmz4UCo
07-08-26 19:19:15
TheRicherDreamer ::: Favorites
Aha (95th comment) funny
07-08-26 19:15:59
McrFREAK0628 ::: Favorites
"Are you okay?" "Im as okay as your face." "Im sorry, im sorry, im sorry, im sorry." Lol
07-08-26 18:23:27
Robert711 ::: Favorites
Actually, this scene is from the Family Guy DVD Movie titled Stewie Griffin - The Untold Story, which is really a 3 part episode that was changed to a DVD movie.
07-08-26 17:48:00
car1235 ::: Favorites
someone comment my vids
07-08-26 17:45:12
TheThinWoman ::: Favorites
i love it how stewie's hair's all messed up... well two of his hairs
07-08-26 17:15:08
keyshiana93 ::: Favorites
stewie iz crazie
07-08-26 17:13:22
SanzaGio ::: Favorites
you gonna miss it, you gonna miss it... lol ^^
07-08-26 17:02:15
doubleglock17 ::: Favorites
little babie jr. son of a bitch
07-08-26 15:40:41
cece23666 ::: Favorites
omg do u noo wat its time for??? a sexy party!!
07-08-26 15:01:49
superfudge443 ::: Favorites
LMAO "your drunk!" "Well your sexy!" classic
07-08-26 14:53:15

Vivaldi Mandolin Concerto - Evan Marshall and Scott Gates.

Duration: 03:19 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-26 19:02:36
User: fdlstx
:::: Favorites

Vivaldi C Major Mandolin Concerto - Evan Marshall and Scott Gates. Coffee Gallery, Altadena, CA 12/16/06

HerrPachelbel ::: Favorites
Ich bin ziemlich bestimmtes Le Prete Rosso würde in der Tat beeindruckt in hohem Grade mit, wie gut Sie seine Musik leiteten, Brunnen ihn ist darstellte
07-08-19 21:20:15
jamsuperhall ::: Favorites
Great job! You played it very well, and adhered to the guidelines of music. I could hear your crescendos, diminuendos...and could feel the classical style. Keep it up.
07-08-17 10:33:35
weez2win ::: Favorites
07-08-13 21:52:23
SimontheFretless ::: Favorites
Well done gentlemen! Would love to hear you all do the G Major concerto for two mandolins....
07-08-09 09:28:02
pachearq ::: Favorites
07-08-06 13:43:33
doricebaty ::: Favorites
07-08-03 04:47:24
lladnekj ::: Favorites
This is awesome!! Mandolin is such an great instrument Someday I will learn to play it as well!
07-07-29 23:02:45
Isalix ::: Favorites
Brilliant! Vivaldi would have been so pleased! Thankyou!
07-07-29 16:12:49
ramonesacidpillsh ::: Favorites
Just got my Electric mandolin, can't believe I waited until now to take it up! Sweet playing, and a really great piece to play on a mandolin!
07-07-26 14:54:05
SexySouthernBelle ::: Favorites
Just Great!
07-07-23 03:08:30
meAKAfangheart ::: Favorites
mandolins have are very calming
07-07-20 01:19:19
JaredIsrael ::: Favorites
07-07-18 11:42:10
xmusicluvrex ::: Favorites
haha.. made me remember how much i love classical music... awesome job!!
07-07-17 20:54:35
Soymilllk ::: Favorites
nice one
07-07-15 08:55:28
qawsed3 ::: Favorites
is same to the classical music music-station(dot)dyndns(dot)org
07-07-14 20:34:18
MartyPlaysMusic ::: Favorites
Really great playing. I could never get tired of hearing this. Bravo!
07-07-12 11:27:59
overseez ::: Favorites
Nice job. Viva Vivaldi!
07-07-11 19:49:10
chevesl ::: Favorites
Wow, very VERY good. That's such a great piece. Nice job.
07-07-10 22:46:36
willmalloff ::: Favorites
hard work gives wonderful results
07-07-08 22:23:16
Glidescube ::: Favorites
My fave all time classical piece!!!
07-07-05 06:15:58


Duration: 05:10 minutes
Upload Time: 05-11-30 01:20:40
User: koomoo
:::: Favorites


marveets ::: Favorites
wat the hell!!!!!!!!! 1:07
07-08-19 02:36:52
avaisprtsgrl ::: Favorites
Visit HAVETHISFLING dot COM for fun singles looking for flings
07-08-15 13:39:37
luinewton ::: Favorites
the best ever ^^^^
07-08-04 15:45:46
EmikoKu ::: Favorites this vid. ^_^
07-07-14 19:20:00
totoro201 ::: Favorites
shiitt i can do that to easely, i mean if you can do that you are weak, ill do that anytime.....yeah ill do that... and land on my face!
07-07-07 23:38:30
lufodao1990 ::: Favorites
hahahahahahahahahahahaahahah i can do that
07-07-06 20:33:36
wushupoland ::: Favorites
alien 1:07 :)
07-06-19 13:02:20
zelfoxblitz ::: Favorites
LOL ROFL At 1:07 !!!
07-06-12 21:55:34
imnoobish ::: Favorites
01:07 wtf was that?, man or woman?
07-06-10 02:37:53
reddreno ::: Favorites
haha i love the ending guys...:D
07-06-09 19:51:43
streetdance2000 ::: Favorites
jop mr.how711 give me a video where you can do it and i belive the shit your meaning
07-05-28 08:07:37
howl711 ::: Favorites
this is so freaking easy i can do all of that
07-05-19 12:39:31
SatuHoshi ::: Favorites
ya, sure... I wanne see that!
07-05-22 09:56:59
CypressDahlia ::: Favorites
07-06-19 15:15:33
DogSeeker1987 ::: Favorites
Thanks for showing the capoeira!
06-12-04 21:28:34
42aznboy ::: Favorites
What style is this?
06-11-30 16:04:35
ChrizzyT ::: Favorites
He's right.. why care for a car, life and heart.. when you have friends, love and.... TEAM RYOUKO!
06-11-28 10:21:13
vampire553 ::: Favorites
ill take ya car lol
06-11-08 10:17:06
flacostyle ::: Favorites
a la verga mucho pedo pombre viva mexico cabrones!
06-11-03 02:32:03
wert2345 ::: Favorites
u guys r crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hella crazy
06-08-08 16:14:22

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 New Gameplay Video

Duration: 06:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 17:55:53
User: NeoG0han
:::: Favorites

Budokai Tenkaichi 3 / Sparking! Meteor GT Goku Vs King Cold & Mirai/Future Gohan Vs Nuova Shenron

muemmae ::: Favorites
well that was awesome with gt goku
07-08-27 00:19:17
icemanX09 ::: Favorites
That how you tranform in this game. Cool
07-08-26 23:10:12
NeoThePaladinOfLight ::: Favorites
Nice, I notice that Future Gohan fights with one hand. Could that mean one of his costumes has only one arm? Also, it looks like Spike has finally created a game that took the best from Budokai 3 and the Tenkaichi series and made it good. For that I salute you Spike. It looks like GT Kid Goku will be my 3rd favorite character.
07-08-26 19:19:32
SadisticScion ::: Favorites
Its so sweet that they have Janemba's world and Muscle Tower for battle stages.
07-08-26 18:42:13
gokussj123456 ::: Favorites
Este juego va a ser lo mejor del mundo y sobre todo el Puño de Dragon de Super Saiyan 4 de Goku. This game is mainly going to be best of the world and the Fist of Dragoon of Super Saiyan 4 of Goku
07-08-26 15:18:35
thetruecapell ::: Favorites
eso s es verda
07-08-26 15:39:31
songojames ::: Favorites
all u check out my super gd channel!!!trust its gd just check it , leave a comment, and the latest tenkaichi 3 videos also videos of ESF/ECX and much more
07-08-26 15:12:00
manmanlolface ::: Favorites
im sooo gonna get this game ;) btw, can u tell where u get the vids?? and here is my rating 10/5! xD
07-08-26 13:36:34
thetruecapell ::: Favorites
woow this game is so _______________
07-08-26 11:51:54
thetruecapell ::: Favorites
no el no va ha salir
07-08-26 11:51:29
53792BC ::: Favorites
damn i was hoping they would make a gtadult goku with the abilty to go ssj4 but no it dosent look like it, atleast kid goku could transform into ssj4.
07-08-26 11:49:25
Klookko ::: Favorites
tenkaichis are too easy... even when playing at very hard bots cant do a thing... and special moves are easy to do at least in PS2 versions
07-08-26 11:18:19
thetruecapell ::: Favorites
its true
07-08-26 13:42:37
K41B4 ::: Favorites
omg ss future gohan with special beam cannon!!!
07-08-26 09:05:43
hji360 ::: Favorites
yea i hope they have a custom mode where u can change moves
07-08-26 16:51:17
Fatiihtju ::: Favorites
NeoG0han damn i realy love the videos you have!!!! The ultimate attack from Goku SS 4 isss sooo greaattttt!!! damn I like that one!!
07-08-26 08:02:22
ssjaris ::: Favorites
Cool video!NeoGohan you are the best!
07-08-26 06:09:24
sobek126 ::: Favorites
i new it they wenrt stupid this time, for once ss4 tans from kid goku
07-08-26 04:44:05
thdpac ::: Favorites
is dbzbt3 on wii pplayable with the classic controler?
07-08-26 03:39:52
aeonitachi ::: Favorites
nice vid! keep bringin new footage NeoGohan :) (I wonder how the cutscene for the earth explosion from a blast will look like this time, compared to budokai 3 & tenkaichi 2)
07-08-26 02:01:17

Unicorn Fantasy

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-12 20:28:54
User: acemagee
:::: Favorites

Funny video about a unicorn fantasy

shippofluffytail ::: Favorites
lets make it a 3some
07-08-26 21:04:27
direelite ::: Favorites
wow, can someone say "GAY FAGS"??
07-08-23 22:40:10
shippofluffytail ::: Favorites
its funnier censored
07-08-03 13:26:10
surprisebuttsecks0 ::: Favorites
07-07-28 12:25:54
SwissFandango ::: Favorites
07-07-27 01:23:26
dudeulartv ::: Favorites
One of the funniest things I have ever seen. I was watching it with my daughter, and she's a little young for this sort, so I had to change it immediately. Later on I watched it by myself. Very, very funny.
07-07-20 15:14:32
LufflesMrMercury ::: Favorites
I agree...very catchy tune ;) Strange...
07-07-20 01:59:00
SAXsachemCLAR ::: Favorites
Haha! This song is so mom basically bitched slapped me when I started singing it :P
07-06-24 00:59:57
gamer4lfe ::: Favorites
07-06-21 21:15:23
ShredWithMe ::: Favorites
greatest video on youtube!
07-06-20 21:13:18
hamtyl07 ::: Favorites
its so wrong............. but so right
07-06-07 17:40:41
montbush ::: Favorites
John y do ya FUCK THIS UNICORN?!?!
07-06-06 14:34:18
L8krzBalla ::: Favorites
omg- i saw this on the tyra banks show at the end for following credits, lol (it was cencered though)
07-06-04 20:39:00
pibeinocente ::: Favorites
That's a good question. Does wanting to fuck a mythical beast constitute beastiality? IDK but that is a pretty funny video.
07-05-27 10:32:10
Mattio1988 ::: Favorites
poor horse... I mean unicorn has no idea what they're singing about lol
07-05-24 12:14:52
Frozenfirebird ::: Favorites
I saw this along time ago, on MTV. :) Sweet memories. Even tough my parents where in the same room as me when i saw this, awkward family moment but they understood, (I mean, who DOSEN'T want to fuck a unicorn??) :)
07-05-22 20:58:42
darknessj23 ::: Favorites
Amazing originality!! Just So Hilarious!!
07-05-20 00:00:49
louielover96 ::: Favorites
wow thats reallt good how did u learn to do that
07-05-19 16:34:38
Hellnari ::: Favorites
haha brilliant!
07-05-16 18:33:43
carolinarain33 ::: Favorites
Funny. Hilarious even. It's so original. Love it.
07-05-14 11:41:14

Final Fantasy XI Weapon Skills

Duration: 05:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-28 04:08:17
User: ramensoup43
:::: Favorites

Sorry, I forgot where exactly this video came from. This video shows every weapon's weapon skill. I'm sure this is like a test video but still, wonder what kind of person would have every weapon skill and job maxed out. Besides JP players.

walihassan ::: Favorites
Does Final fantasy 11 have a single game mode.
07-08-26 07:26:03
SoraKey777 ::: Favorites
Hexa Strike = Pretty! They all look awesome though ^_^
07-08-24 06:58:13
blanca6smoky ::: Favorites
check out CAMAZONDATING dot COM for hot adult dating webcams
07-08-23 17:17:43
lionhart3001 ::: Favorites
asuran fists > all
07-08-20 15:45:07
Drowzor ::: Favorites
Also this video is so fake it's embarrasing. A lot of the weapon skills originate from the character rather than exploding out of the monster on collision.
07-08-17 11:27:42
GOW624 ::: Favorites
i dont think they were trying to show how great the character was. . and if thats whats happening in the game how the fuck is it fake you dumb shit. and plus theres no point in calling private servers illegal cus its not like SE can stop them. it just pisses them off.
07-08-17 14:06:46
windtunnel ::: Favorites
what is the skill at 1:29 called? what job can use? what weapon can use it? what clas sits called? what is the name of the skill?
07-08-16 21:43:42
Dothack6 ::: Favorites
WTF?! were all of these skills done by the same character? and also, this would be a lot better if it said which skill was which because i only know the sword skills and like 3 of each other skills
07-08-08 14:28:41
GOW624 ::: Favorites
i think it was done in a private server. on some private servers you can get all your skills and lvl up to 75 in a few days
07-08-08 16:47:12
Dothack6 ::: Favorites
i never heard of that
07-08-11 18:36:01
tubeularfag ::: Favorites
what? private server? I would really be interested in that because it takes me forever to lvl up in ffxi. Any details would help if you know of a private server. Please let me know
07-08-12 17:43:40
GOW624 ::: Favorites
sorry i don't really know of any but i sort of know people who some times play on private servers, while i also heard its very hard to find one and there are only about 10-20 people online on the server at a time so it would be pretty empty
07-08-12 18:17:15
tubeularfag ::: Favorites
You know what if they are interested in expaning their community a bit I am more then interested to join. Please let them know that you have a eager final fantasy fan to join. Any contact information about the subject would help :)
07-08-12 19:02:03
GOW624 ::: Favorites
i don't exactly know the people, but i know people that know the people, kinda thing. i would suggest just playing the real thing but idk. i played on seraph server up to lvl 40 on a blm until i totally some how lost my account. that experience was probably the best ive ever had out of any mmo ive ever played. id still be playing to this very day if i still had my tarru blm. . . /cry. i had so many great friends on seraph back then and in my LS. i always wonder if they still play..
07-08-13 02:25:06
windtunnel ::: Favorites
what is the skill at 1:29 called? what job can use? what weapon can use it? what clas sits called? what is the name of the skill?
07-08-16 21:44:19
Drowzor ::: Favorites
Private servers are another name for pirate servers. They are against the law.
07-08-17 11:11:30
windtunnel ::: Favorites
what is the skill at 1:29 called? the one that looks like moon. what job can use? what weapon can use it? what clas sits called? what is the name of the skill?
07-08-16 21:47:19
travis8890 ::: Favorites
paladin, idk the skill name tho
07-08-19 03:41:46
EtherForce ::: Favorites
The skill is called 'Crescent Moon' and is learned when you reach 175 skill in Great Sword.
07-08-20 05:57:25
GOW624 ::: Favorites
best vid on youtube i miss this game alot
07-08-08 14:19:58