Saturday, August 25, 2007


Duration: 07:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-15 07:40:55
User: hitturkey24
:::: Favorites

Selamun aleykum,Hello,Bonjour,Ciao,ЗДРАВСТВУЛТЕ. Firstly you will watch some parts from a video where local American people are asked some questions at the boardwalk in Venice Beach California.( Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES ) Please do not laugh because they can not answer the simplest questions like how many sides a triangle has,the religion of Israel ,currency of the United Kingdom,who Tony Blair is or who won the Vietnam war.I am cutting th video short so that our American siblings are not ashamed more.This is just because their education system suffers and they do not care about the environment and expand their knowledge of world matters. Now dear American brothers and sisters it is time for you to leave your stereotypes about Islam .If you read more then you will see that Muslims are not people who worship to a black box in the desert and kiss the ground 5 times a day . So after the interview made by Americans you will see a video I prepared about Islam so that you can see we are not your enemies. Love and Peace upon you. WHAT IS ISLAM ? Selamun aleykum may God's peace be upon you !! There are 36 million atheists in the USA and when I surf on youtube I see many people confessing this.It was really very hard to reply everybody by writing so I prepeared this video hoping that it may be a bit of help. Anyway even if you dont believe we are all siblings because we are all children of Adam and Eve. Although none of these are real solutions the Western people choose Atheism/Budhism or Scientology since the message sent via Jesus is distorted and can't help people quiting drugs& alchol&adultry&lieing &hypocracy&robbing for being good parents and humans so each year 30.000 people convert to Islam in the USA. E.g.:In many parts of Torah and Gospel, Jesus&Abraham and other prophets tell people to be circumsized .The covenant was first made with Abraham and Ishmael;Genesis 17:10 this [is] my covenant, which ye shall keep, every man child among you shall be circumcised. - .or in Torah God tells you not to eat ham but you do. So you must read Quran 2-3 hours-the time I've spent 4 u Now let's begin wıth who became Moslem:Roger Garaudy(Head Of French Communist Party&The Biggest Philosoph Of Our Century), Cat Stevens, Michael Jackson,Kaka( The Brasilian Footballer Of Milan),Mohammed Ali,Mike Tyson (The Boxer),Karim Abdüljabbar,Shaqie O\'Neal Are Some Convert Moslem Celebrities . SO WHAT IS ISLAM? :Islam simply came to repeat lastly&completely God's message sent by Jesus,Moses,David,Noah,Abraham.A man came to Prophet Mohammed and asked im to tell very shortly about islam Pr.Moh. said "Believe İn God And Be Good". NEXT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ARE MOSLEM?: When you become Islam you do'nt change religion.You simply update&upgrade the software/mssge sent by Abraham&Moses& Jesus with the additional features of Prp. Mohammed to replace the viruses added to your hardware by some religion hackers before. Reason why people in West choose Budhism or Atheism is they can't find anything in Christianity and from childhood they are taught Islam is their enemy so they don't hv to read quran.Once they read Quran coincidentally they become the most fervent supporters and Moslems learn Islam from them . Now the Moslems learn Islam from convert sheikhs like Yusuf Estes&Kabir Helminski&Hamza Yusuf &Abdul Raheem Green&Yusuf Islam &many others.(there's a lot info about them in youtube), Islam is peace and you will find if youu search and become fervent supporters like them. God bless you

250lespaul ::: Favorites
the main religion in 1950 [usa] -christian the main religion in 2007 -money
07-08-20 19:09:57
barbieindaplanworld ::: Favorites
I am American and also a christian.I do respect the fact that you made this to show people your thoughts.I never really understood what Islam was.i had heard things of it but none of it was what you said.
07-08-19 22:07:23
MAZ1N00 ::: Favorites
hey universities dont accepyt anyone Americans have some of the lowest scores in high school tests have you seen 20/20 stupid in america?? I m american 2 by the way
07-08-16 23:52:10
genius2687 ::: Favorites
"When you become Islam you do'nt change religion.You simply update&upgrade the software/mssge sent by Abraham&Moses& Jesus with the additional features of Prp. Mohammed to replace the viruses added to your hardware by some religion hackers before." Yeah I got quite an issue on my hands here. I upgraded my software/message and now I have this massive virus to deal with that's destroying my computer. Found out I didn't have any viruses in the first place. Time to run Apostate version 9.0
07-08-13 23:23:49
heatherschrmm ::: Favorites
God is definatly real first of all. I dont need proof to know that God exists. I have all the proof I need which is the Bible. Second shut the fuck up dude stop trying to disprove religion. I cant stand you atheists you have nothing to fucking live for now do you? Anyways if you are and atheist i hope when you die you become a tree and they chop you down and print the Bible on you.
07-08-15 19:41:30
genius2687 ::: Favorites
I have a feeling that this person is an Imposter trying to be a Christian. Either that or he is really retarded.
07-08-15 21:54:43
heatherschrmm ::: Favorites
Um are you talking about me? Just to let you know I'm a Christian and I go to church faithfully every Sunday. I'm the Head of my Youth Group, and the Youth Representitive at my church. I believe that Jesus died for my sins. Aight have I proved my point? And for your information I'm a female.
07-08-15 22:41:44
genius2687 ::: Favorites
well, I'm sure me and you can at least agree on the Bill of Rights. Freedom of religion includes the freedom to not follow religion. Americans have the right to reject God.
07-08-15 22:48:45
heatherschrmm ::: Favorites
It does say that, but is in your best intrests to believe in God. Honestly there is so much proof in the Bible that God exists. Here is a verse for an example: John 3:16 For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
07-08-15 23:01:10
heatherschrmm ::: Favorites
But hey like you said its your choice of having a religion and with that somthing to live for. or not having a religion and having nothing to live for. I choose to believe in God and serve him therefore I have somthing to live for. Thats all i'm trying to say. Please respect the Americans that have decided to believe in God and please stop putting us down. Thanks.
07-08-15 23:01:27
genius2687 ::: Favorites
There is no good reason to respect religion anymore than politics. Because of respect for religion, we treat people like the Pope and Billy Graham as though they are philosophers. Because of respect for religion, our society condemns Salman Rushdie, Danish Cartoonists, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, etc for "insulting Islam" (although much of that is multiculturalist insanity as well).
07-08-16 09:49:13
heatherschrmm ::: Favorites
Well if you feel that way please atleast understand why Americans choose to believe in God.
07-08-16 11:16:16
chloepraz ::: Favorites
Good heavens! Don't come on here using language like that professing to be a Christian. You make us look ignorant and evil. You are supposed to have a burden for those people. You can't be a good witness like that. The Bible tells us to control your tongue. You should apologize. Don't be so uptight. Their statements don't change what you believe.
07-08-17 13:20:46
genius2687 ::: Favorites
All religions including Islam are man made. Allah was created in man's image as was God, Zeus, etc. You see, many of us will reject this bullshit about an intelligent designer because it is simply retarded to believe in the supernatural and replace natural objective morality (created through Darwinian evolution) with man made theistic morality (in some ways morally relativistic itself).
07-08-13 23:15:28
genius2687 ::: Favorites
Dear theist. There is no evidence for the supernatural. Darwin destroyed the Biological argument for Design, and most physicists in the West are doubtful of the fine tuning argument. Finally, the Cosmological argument begs the question as to why a first cause must be divine.
07-08-13 23:06:39
usernamesarehard ::: Favorites
Get informed. Fight the propoganda. Skeptics Annoted Bible Dot Com God Is Imaginary Dot Com Atheists Dot Org
07-08-13 18:50:44
chloepraz ::: Favorites
USMarine, it's not about religiosity, it's about a living faith. You must have a strong belief in something good, something real, or you will fall for anything. Read the Bible. Start in the New Testament and earnestly pray that God reveals His Word in your heart. Find a United Pentecostal Church in your area and check it out. You will be amazed. Then find someone to give you a bible study called 'Search for Truth' and you will learn some things you didn't know.
07-08-13 08:46:02
chloepraz ::: Favorites
I say start in the New Testament only because you will learn about Jesus as the man. The Old Testament is just as relative today so you need to read that when you are done. It is the history of the Bible. It lays out the guide to how we are to live. The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament. Every word in it is a road map to life. It is liberating and life giving. Life more abundantly!
07-08-13 09:02:31
chloepraz ::: Favorites
Roger Garaudy, you can have him. Cat Stevens, his career went into the toliet here in Amercia after his conversion. Michael Jackson, well to begin with he was a Jehova Witness, no wonder he was disillusioned with that,second, he's a pedophile, have you been able to fix him? You can have him too. Ok, now for the athletes, average Americans couldn't give a whiff about these guys. For the most part many Americans don't idolize athletes as you assume.
07-08-13 08:35:58
pommesMajo2007 ::: Favorites
he says, that americans are moslems, cause they are as stupid as them - ok, i think it's a tendency. but atheists, scientologists and moslems are the same, they all don't believe in that jesus is god. don't forget, that allah is the biggest liar, read ur fuckin scum-book from hell, and clean ur face, u look like a savage. (this comment was presented u by jesus, if u want any answer call 0180 555555555)
07-08-12 19:21:34

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