Friday, August 31, 2007

Atheist Wisdom - A Nod to the World

Duration: 02:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-04 06:14:22
User: rozeboosje
:::: Favorites

Participate Or Be A Triangle For those who are camera shy: cover your head, or take a video of a sock puppet nodding. It's all in good fun. Update: Although this started as a tongue-in-cheek response to comments made by GnosticAtheist on my video "The choice was genius [etc]", it grew into something much bigger than that. People use it to acknowledge atheism (a few Christians have posted nods, and I really appreciate that), others to give it a "nod of approval", some just a "friendly nod", and some nod "knowingly". In any case, a nod is recognised as a friendly and non-threatening gesture, and it's easy to produce and upload. I guess that is why this has become such a success, and my heart-felt THANK YOU to everybody who has participated. Because it has been so successful, I will have to re-think how I am going to deal with these responses. Firstly, I now have WAY too many for even a 10-minute video. Secondly, why should we put limits on a friendly gesture such as this? So I've decided to keep this open ended; there is no "closing date" for submissions. That means that no matter when you come across this, feel free to post your nod. And whenever I have accumulated enough material to fill a new collation, I'll produce another one. So this will become a series of videos. I shall be starting on the first collation soon. Once again. THANK YOU to all who participate.

lfcjndf8247 ::: Favorites
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07-08-30 20:30:25
nodrahma ::: Favorites
Clearly you didn't comprehend the context of why I mentioned you butt. You came up with me being obsessed with it on your own... strange.
07-08-30 18:47:37
ulostknowledge ::: Favorites
good =]
07-08-30 18:10:11
ulostknowledge ::: Favorites
<b> I made Video Responce #259 Dawkins nods @ the end =D
07-08-30 18:09:06
ulostknowledge ::: Favorites
nah stuppid comment-system of youtube now is see the full context
07-08-30 18:05:31
ulostknowledge ::: Favorites
@ SalvationHasCome - A good honest quote always ends with a nod. ;-)
07-08-30 18:03:19
SalvationHasCome ::: Favorites
Why does it? You have to explain your opinions.
07-08-30 17:27:57
overkill4life ::: Favorites
Really Salva? cause to me it sounds like God was telling his people that he wants a blowjob... >.>
07-08-30 17:19:33
SalvationHasCome ::: Favorites
By the way I understand now people answers "You ask me if I believe in life on other planets? No there is not even intelligent life on this planet". Logic and wisdom is not shown with such a funny attitude.
07-08-30 16:15:09
SalvationHasCome ::: Favorites
Atheist wisdom? God is wise! He says: "My people will go down because they are in need of wisdom". Guess you all knows what that means. The Bible says: Only a fool says: "There is no God!" Conclusion = The Bible owns the atheists BIGTIME!
07-08-30 16:13:40

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