Thursday, August 16, 2007

Malcolm X - Field Negro vs House Negro

Duration: 09:45 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-03 09:37:23
User: cheegum
:::: Favorites

Speech by malcolm x (aka Malik El Shabazz) about slavery in america.

WillBackbone ::: Favorites
More revisionists history, the negro lost the game of life so he wants to re-write the ending. Now I just made your book and you look like a fool. Blacks hate stats, fear truth and deny reality. When all else fails they change history to fit their needs.
07-08-08 06:58:55
Nupee23 ::: Favorites
no scholars like Dubois and Malcolm and Martin didn't run from stats, but interpret them...your kind has put forth fake history that makes you seem like heroes and we modern historians have found your claims not to be history at all but myth!!!!
07-08-08 15:56:03
exterminateuncletoms ::: Favorites
Your math is bad WillDundbone!I advise you check out Europe & Russia,where there is more YT on YT crime then any other just like the days of ROME.Starvation in russia is crazy.If we commit 605 thats more then half being as though we make up 12% then that would be impossible or how about There are more then half of whites in hispanics in jail,black ppl only populate 3states in America so who's filling up the rest?
07-08-10 03:59:08
MafiaArkAngel ::: Favorites
America is still full of house niggaz, they in the military, they in politics, they in corps, they in hip hop and they even still on farms
07-08-10 04:16:04
RIVERVEIW1967 ::: Favorites
today u still have more house nigger on the job,tv and some movie,and collage
07-08-10 13:34:48
sakiim1 ::: Favorites
I hate My self cause Im Black!
07-08-11 22:07:22
cheegum ::: Favorites
lol.. what? that was a joke right
07-08-11 23:10:39
reds32uk ::: Favorites
If you hate yourself because you are black then you have a serious problem. We as black people must always be prud of who we are. We are just as good as any race despite what people may say. The Problem is that some or own people lets us down. We must stick together in order to ove come. United we stand, divided we fall!!!!
07-08-12 18:41:56
exterminateuncletoms ::: Favorites
She's a Black insecure Yt man slut just look at her profile.She hates Black PPL like all of the others.
07-08-13 15:52:15
BashmentEuphoria ::: Favorites
Sakiim1,does not hate herself. She is an attention whore, and her video rant gave her the substance that feeds her addiction. She needs psychiatric help pronto. As for the people trying to ruin this great vid, *yawn* Same talk, no walk; come back later when you get it right.
07-08-15 03:46:24

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