Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Medium Is The Message

Duration: 02:22 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-24 23:24:38
User: NewWarriorMan
:::: Favorites

Is there a deeper meaning to the YouTube community?

PeaceProfit ::: Favorites
Dreams the medium of the message are questions and answers to ones being, an infinite reality of knowing, living, experiencing and creating the possible. Google: Bruce Larson Moore
07-02-25 16:13:14
abdullahzs ::: Favorites
I pretty much agree with this. Manness is better than highschoolness, and there is egotism in YouTube. Am I applicable to that..?
07-02-26 11:28:35
ToThyKnownSelfBeTrue ::: Favorites
Great message NewWarriorMan. The current technology fuels the increase in narcissism. MySpace encourages attention-seeking, as does YouTube.
07-02-27 11:51:02
jeff262630 ::: Favorites
I tottaly agree about what you said. Youtube is like high school.
07-02-27 15:29:20
bgoldinger ::: Favorites
Very insightful... I think YouTube will need to mature but I think there is something for everyone here. Nice video tho! Keep it up!
07-02-28 00:19:28
silverandsound ::: Favorites
Your thoughts about YouTube, based on the theories of Marshall McLuhan, I find them very much to the point. YouTube. It's a great place, but it's also, as everything, a reflection of ourselves and our society, and of course the medium itself. A lot of disgustingly pointless swearing going on. Sad souls getting a cheap buzz out of shouting into the global media void, endlessly reverberating into complete stupidity and anger.
07-02-28 05:17:02
007jbmusic ::: Favorites
Quality NewWarriorMan. However,without Youtube I would not have seen your good work. One other point, at least this medium is interactive, an advance on tv's passive voyeurism. Best, James
07-03-02 14:55:41
007jbmusic ::: Favorites
Reid, I don't think it would hurt at all. I do however like to pan for gold, sometimes it takes a while to sift through the dross before I find these glittering nuggets. Best, James
07-03-03 14:04:14
E3vens ::: Favorites
you my friend are an asshole
07-03-05 23:45:23
Brazdolph ::: Favorites
I agree with´ve got to sift it, but you can find nuggets like yourself, so...besides we´re all ultimately narcisists and´s just a matter of finding our peers,ain´t it?
07-03-22 17:15:27

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