Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Original 299 Trailer

Duration: 222 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-28 00:49:34
User: vegansun
:::: Favorites

no sense if u havent seen 300, but its a parody of the movie 300 based on the two cities pleasanton and dublin, having a massive war

p00p6 ::: Favorites
what's with the guy at 1:46? he doesn't make any sense!
07-04-18 21:16:09
ILoveAcad ::: Favorites
uhh poop? u uhhhh seen the movie?
07-04-20 16:19:28
TheRockChamp ::: Favorites
kick azz
07-06-18 18:28:14
SirHotbodHandsomface ::: Favorites
the kick and the towel thing was cool, the acting wasn't so hot though. and it wasn't really funny which is what i think u were going for
07-06-26 14:38:11
jamesbreedthelove ::: Favorites
fuck sir hot bod handsome face that was awesome sunny T
07-07-20 16:16:02
SirHotbodHandsomface ::: Favorites
your opinion might be more valuable to me ,and everyone else, if you could maybe expand your vocabulary so your feeble insults didn't have to rely on the use of vulgar cuss words which simple minded people use because they know nothing else. swearing is the mark of a cretin. respond if you think you can muster something above the level of a 7th grader who thinks that hes cool...unless thats what you really are?
07-07-20 16:29:12
jamesbreedthelove ::: Favorites
now you just sound like an anal bitch + after perusing your indunative, fatuous and paradoxically dogmatic proclamation. it is with regret that I must conclude with great altruistic philanthropy that you are a fuck face, and I hope you continue to piss and moan redundant grandiloquence's because I can go all night if that's the game you want to play p.s. You're a convoluted chagrined plebeian and I hope you drown in shit. =)
07-07-20 22:50:05
SirHotbodHandsomface ::: Favorites
glad you know how to use thesaurus . com hope u dont think people are impressed, cause ur attempting to prove your knowledge on a low traffic video. and cause i think ur the kinda person who would be a harry potter nerd...hagrid dies!
07-07-21 00:24:03
jamesbreedthelove ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHAHA !!! all that means is that you read it before everyone else and it came out yesterday!!!! YOUR the nerd my friend. haha not me + ive never read a single one of those books! =D haha okay...im done with you, but thanks its been a fun little squabble =)
07-07-22 02:08:20
SirHotbodHandsomface ::: Favorites
actually i just read the wikipedia plot summary, and it was a lie to freak u out, anyway this has been a grand argument, hope the rest of ur life goes well
07-07-22 12:54:29

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