Friday, August 10, 2007

Rosie O'Donnell Joins 9/11 Truth -- Building 7

Duration: 109 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-20 19:45:58
User: EchelonMonitor
:::: Favorites

The major networks and news media normally make big news out of anything Rosie does which they don't like, but this time they're keeping dead silent--I guess they don't want there to be a national discussion of 9/11 and the controlled demolition of Building 7.

burners9 ::: Favorites
"How can 80+ strongest, undamaged and heaviest bottom floors offer only 0.78 seconds of resistance between them - yet were designed and built to withstand 3 times working load and have "indestructible cores" when new. This is without considering air resistance and any other slowing effect. "This simple maths proves 911 was a demolition,"
07-08-06 16:41:36
idleflaborgy ::: Favorites
try this experiment, nerds: balance your computer on an empty soda-can. dandy, eh? now drop your computer on the can. what happens? if you have an ibook, ignore this and go back to your watercolors. but first, google this: "there is no 9-11 conspiracy you morons"
07-08-06 20:49:34
Mywantza ::: Favorites
The 911 truth movement is based on anything but truth.
07-08-06 22:18:45
burners9 ::: Favorites
ha ha... well try it with 80 soda-cans -would you still nod your head understandingly when all 80 soda-cans would practically disappear? producing no resistance at all? hmm I guess you better google: "total 911 info"
07-08-07 02:33:11
22cmonkey22 ::: Favorites
U wanna be SHOCKED? Watch "911 with CIA Cover Up" at google. Then do something....
07-08-07 15:15:51
HearTheTruth ::: Favorites
22cmonkey22: you must have been drinking the Kool Aid again.
07-08-07 20:28:29
desitruth ::: Favorites
What a truly inspirational video, BRAVO, BRAVO, yes yes, the people who make these videos are truth soldiers, but just informing everyone i just the first step we need to take it to the next level, join the army who will rid this world from lies, and u do it all on computer!!, join the ROYALE ARMY OF TRUTH- Go to the website: (w w w .freewebs.co_ m/truthagainst) Note: the _ is not part of the URL/ website and lets work together ot make the world better !
07-08-09 07:58:24
HearTheTruth ::: Favorites
You liberals would not know the truth, even if the truth walked up to you and said, "Hi, I am the truth."
07-08-09 15:35:07
EchelonMonitor ::: Favorites
What liberals?
07-08-09 16:14:44
22cmonkey22 ::: Favorites
I dont drink Kool Aid, it rots your teeth. Hello Folks. I'm the cmonkey. Watch "911 with Cia Cover Up" at google.
07-08-09 19:21:25

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