Thursday, August 9, 2007

V3 - Beautiful Day

Duration: 184 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-05 02:36:03
User: mikeymike360
:::: Favorites

Played on Stepmania. This has got to be one of my favorite songs from O2Jam. Granted, it's overplayed in my ears now, the first time I heard it, I was overwhelmed by it's smoothe and flowing sound. Mods used: 2.5x Final Grade: AA Hope you enjoy it! -Mikeymike360

mikeymike360 ::: Favorites
Yeah, I think they either took the idea of making this song from Beethoven virus by banya or by the original song (which I forgot the title to.). Thanks for your comment. Still is fun to play on O2Jam, LOL. -Mikeymike360
06-08-25 00:05:35
seanfausz ::: Favorites
yeah, O2 jam is fun to play. i hate stepmania 4.0 cuz of that damn toasty thing on the right they took from MK2. and my FRAPS program doesnt record it good enough lol. good vid dude.
06-09-22 22:00:31
mikeymike360 ::: Favorites
Thanks for the comment, the weird thing about frapss (for me) is that during the recording process, it looks like crap, but after I convert it to WMV and upload it, it looks fine. Try finishing a video and converting it. -Mikeymike360
06-09-24 17:58:58
seanfausz ::: Favorites
Its the same way for me. max it'll run at is 30 fps while recording, but it goes at a perfect 60 when its done recording.
06-09-24 22:22:45
devilproz ::: Favorites
beautiful...i luv to play this on o2jam but my left hand is quite slow so i can never FC at NX... sobz
06-10-04 06:49:30
taemobantot ::: Favorites
how to download that on version 3.9??'s better if it's from o2jam
06-12-21 20:17:54
silverwarrior341 ::: Favorites
omg that unbeliveable
06-12-24 00:37:09
mikeymike360 ::: Favorites
Download what? The song or the IIDX theme? -Mikeymike360
07-01-03 23:38:31
mikeymike360 ::: Favorites
Thanks. -Mikeymike360
07-01-03 23:38:54
vietxbest ::: Favorites
Hey, can you sent me the song?
07-03-05 13:37:42

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