Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Youtube Abuse. Why Won't Youtube Do Anything?

Duration: 04:45 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-24 12:02:21
User: illusionistdave
:::: Favorites

I think the title pretty much says it all.

wogboym8 ::: Favorites
damn you tube, some people have comments to type that need more then a 500 word limit
07-06-05 03:35:27
illusionistdave ::: Favorites
Okay...I understand you....Sorry I took the rape argument leap. lol.
07-06-05 03:39:53
lilsasami ::: Favorites
Youtube says that you can report abuse from the user's profile, but of course when you try there is no report button or link. Way to drop the ball youtube.
07-06-25 06:42:19
Fallacia ::: Favorites
Consider the number of users and amount of comments, messages, and videos, there's not much that YouTube can do. YouTube does try, but it can't be done as quickly as you want. Reply within 24 hours? That's unreasonable. You can't stop abuse. You just have to be mature and ignore them. Honestly, I think YouTube would be better off without restrictions on content and language. Parents wouldn't let these immature 12 year olds visit the site and make these comments.
07-06-25 22:48:32
illusionistdave ::: Favorites
Sadly it's been mostly adults that make the abusive comments toward me.:(
07-06-25 22:50:34
Fallacia ::: Favorites
That may be the case. It's hard to tell as people under 18 will purposely lie about their age when making accounts so they aren't limited on what activites than can perform. I did that for six years. I won't deny that adults may be abusing you as well. It can't be stopped. Mankind is full of arrogance and stupidity. Sadly, it's a matter of human nature. Off-topic, this 500 character cap does need to be raised.
07-06-26 04:04:49
illusionistdave ::: Favorites
Amen for the cap being raised! I agree.:)
07-06-26 16:51:33
smashwhammy ::: Favorites
07-08-06 12:21:21
WarnesWrist ::: Favorites
Im sick of it aswell!
07-08-16 08:04:39
Higginery ::: Favorites
People shuld have the option of deleting comments off there videos.
07-08-18 18:24:37

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