Friday, September 14, 2007

Iran claiming Israel's destruction is near!

Duration: 04:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-04 11:01:12
User: TomCatScat
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Iran claiming Israel's destruction is near!

sjc100 ::: Favorites
i would also like to mention Ahemninijad has not even achieved nuclear power yet and is 10 years from even making a warhead.
07-06-24 02:30:56
sjc100 ::: Favorites
I would like to mention first off things from Farsi to English get misinterpreted. What Ahmeninijad said was he called for the destruction of the zionist regime of Israel, not of Israel itself. and second we cant fight Israel's battles for them, if they want to take out IRan let them do it themselves, we need no part in it.
07-06-24 02:29:36
CantKeepaGoodNerDown ::: Favorites
I myself am from Iran and when I see videos or read ignorant comments from idiots like virtualrabbi, it confirms my thoughts that liberals in america dont really care about iran or iraq, they only care about votes. They'll be quick to point the finger at bush for "invading" iraq but they're just fine with the shia muslim and christian genocide. It's not news to us that Iran is going to nuke Israel. But when it happens I am sure they'll find some way to blame that on Bush as well
07-06-20 02:20:45
virtualrabbi ::: Favorites
I am sorry to say it Tommy, but the government blew the prosecution of this war. Stupidly. By not understanding the nature of Islam. Why are right-wing think tanks so eager to find and publicize 'good' Muslims? They trot college educated, secularized, Americanized Muslims, then say, "See? The problem is the bad Muslims like Osama, the good Muslims are okay. They want to sanitize the Saudis who, it will one day be shown, are bankers for terrorists. The libs are merely snipes.
07-06-08 10:17:06
virtualrabbi ::: Favorites
No, I believe we should fight this war and win it, but I don't believe that the libs are the only worm in the apple at this point. Sadly, I have come to believe, based on the way our government is acting (i.e. negotiating with Syria and Iran, sily rules of engagement, lack of real pressure only talk about Iranian nukes) that even those like the President who SAY they want to win are blocking our ability to do so. Why do you think that is? I say it is Big Oil.
07-06-08 08:55:00
virtualrabbi ::: Favorites
Being a conservative doesn't mean turning off your brain. Refineries require about 20 years to return investment. Existing refineries have been upgraded. Capacity is there. They are raising the price simply because they can get away with it. I would vote for a Democrat if they presented me with a viable candidate. That has never happened yet. I have voted R since 1976.
07-06-08 08:47:43
TomCatScat ::: Favorites
America is the greatest country in the world! Say it with me now! Is the only freedom you care about is yours Virtualrabbi? 12 million Iraqi's voted and died their fingers purple! Remember that? Iraqi's are being murdered by terrorists! America leaves and a blood bath will come and the liberals will have Iraqi blood on their hands!
07-06-07 21:59:22
TomCatScat ::: Favorites
Did America need a bailout as you say when America lost 400,000 men in WWII? America lost 58,000 men in Vietnam and 150,000 in WWI. WWII went for 4 years! We have been fighting and killing terrorists in Iraq for 5 years and we have lost 3500 hero's in Iraq!
07-06-07 21:54:49
TomCatScat ::: Favorites
Hey' Virtual, who do you want to win on the war on terror? Do you want to fight these murdering basterds over there or here? They have not attaked us here because of the war on terror in Iraq and the Job the President has done getting all departments talking to each other!
07-06-07 21:51:32
TomCatScat ::: Favorites
I do not want them to call off any dogs! I want them nutered and shut down! We cut and run from Iraq and you will see the killing fields all over again with innocent Iraqi's being murdered!
07-06-07 20:24:37

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