Thursday, September 20, 2007

Shopping Tour on Saturday

Duration: 10:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-30 17:08:37
User: xForeverMinex
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hey guys! today was a pretty good day for me and i decited to go shopping a little bit and buy few things which i need for the gym and also the next weeks and months.check out the video and don´t forget to leave a comment if you want. have a nice weekend. Forever Mine

SwearToShakeItUp1234 ::: Favorites
07-07-21 20:32:29
LeopardJoy ::: Favorites
Hi! Your vids are very interesting...with a little window into your daily life. I found you originally on Lacyanna's channel. Also, I LOVE the hat and shades...I collect both, and the NY camouflage hat is really cool! Thanks for letting us into your life for a few minutes!~ Best, Joy
07-07-08 13:11:21
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
hallo joy! 10 years ago i used to wear a hat dayly because i was a big fan of hats. in this video i wore the hat beause my hairs are a to long. anyways, hats still look cool and i´m going to buy few more. yeah, lacy is a very interesting person. thank you for your comment.
07-07-08 18:07:22
peaches927 ::: Favorites
I remember that song! Good choice! I hope you are doing well!
07-07-01 17:08:38
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
hello peaches!oh yeah, until now i´m ok.but monday and tuesday are two critical days after sunday.but here it´s actually 9:30PM in few hours i will visit the gym the second time and all ok.thank your for your comment.
07-07-02 15:31:16
lilvoyce ::: Favorites
You know, sometimes I have a hard time walking. Sometimes I go to the gym with my walking cane. I figure I would get strange looks from people. I did fine and no strange looks. You can do it:D
07-07-01 04:20:18
lilvoyce ::: Favorites
Going to the gym is not so bad. I was worried who would look at me.. The funny thing is that all the people that work out in the gym seem to be looking at themselves in the mirror the entire time. I ended up being very comfortable.
07-07-01 04:18:12
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
well also if they would not watch at me, i would think that they do.a gym is and will be allways a little bit like a catwalk.and this gym has hundrets of members but i see it as a chance because when my phobia will be a little bit better AND it could be one "easy" way to meet new people and make friends you know.and maybe also meeting a women (i´m to long single).but who know´s i have so many plans and one step after the other.thank your for your comments, lilvoice.
07-07-01 08:24:34
lilvoyce ::: Favorites
When they say the protein shake has "No Flavor," is it really no flavor? What does it taste like? What do you mix it in with juice? I drink so much protein, I can't stand to drink it
07-07-01 04:15:50
xForeverMinex ::: Favorites
the neutral taste is is bad, but you can drink it for i think 10 days or so.but then you have to try the next or something else or you will trow i think.but the most important thing is a MIXER.if you don´t have one, then nahha.choclate from my choosen company tastes mre bad than the neutral.but i do mix them with only with water and eating 2 extra apples, or 1 banana for the carbohydrate thing.
07-07-01 08:18:25

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