Friday, October 12, 2007

$20 bucks

Duration: 06:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-15 03:48:26
User: greenback001
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For anyone out of the blue questioning 911. $20 bucks is a look at obvious truth about WTC 7 which is chock-full of alarming acts and facts. The video contrasts the WTC 7 fire and other skyscraper fires, along with WTC 7 demolition comparisons. It's brief, easy to listen to, and a perfect way to send $20 bucks to everyone you know and love. 911 bush iraq wtc demolition investigate


InfoJunkieHolland ::: Favorites
Did I see Mike Gravel in your little slideshow there?
07-10-01 12:27:01
leone2tube ::: Favorites
good vid! never saw those puffs on the side of the bldg before. good find!
07-10-01 10:40:20
Barbisatin ::: Favorites
Bush does what he is told to do. He is just a face for the rednecks to love.
07-09-04 14:33:36
metroid101 ::: Favorites
anyone with a brain, realizes that something is pretty fishy about the events on 9/11
07-08-08 14:38:41
lenaw70 ::: Favorites
Damn, that was a good one! Short and to the point! This deserves to be on my website! djlenaDOTcom
07-07-30 06:01:14
greenback001 ::: Favorites
White Rose - Germany - wwII also, if you like a particuliar video on google or youtube, remember comments are good and a rating goes a long way. If you'd like that particuliar video to be seen by more people. For me, it's all mathematical, the more who see and understand the better. If the numbers keep adding up soon there won't be anyone else believing the government bullshit anymore. It's rather quite simple - spread the truth by any means possible.
07-06-07 02:22:10
NuxBloodhoof ::: Favorites
Sadly most Americans will just refuse to open their eyes and face the facts that our government is corrupt. We'd rather watch our NASCAR and our pro football or what have you and keep thinking that somehow God Blessed America, no other nation apparently, just America. If ever there was a time for revolution, peaceful or otherwise, it's now. We will go down in history as fiends, supporters of evil men with ill intent.
07-06-06 14:06:09
uneedhelp ::: Favorites
"The execution of the alleged conspiracy was flawless" Was it? Really? Hmmmm....
07-05-31 22:07:24
uneedhelp ::: Favorites
"couldn't handle Katrina, Afghanistan or Iraq" Their plan is going perfect. They dont want to leave Iraq, and someone has to protect the pipeline being built from Afghanistan... We have built one of the largest and most fortified embassy's there. Like 911, they were warned and did nothing, because they already knew.
07-05-31 20:22:35
zrwoodard ::: Favorites
Doesn't answer the point. You brought Bush's family into it. Bush and Co. couldn't handle Katrina, Afghanistan or Iraq. The project was pulled off flawlessly. Doesn't fit the MO of the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight.
07-05-31 20:02:07

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