Tuesday, October 23, 2007

7.7.7 NYC Party Update for 07/06/2007

Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-30 19:48:03
User: themightythor1212
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

Pre-gathering Party at Tracyjs Bar and watering hole 106 East 19th St NYC NYC Starting at 7 PM Guest in order of Appearance http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=nalts http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=themightythor1212 http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=sarryCrey http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=littlePandaExpress Pre-Party link http://www.tracyjs.com NYC 777 Hotline 1-866-YTMeets (Yes thats a real number)


tubeeorrnottubee ::: Favorites
07-07-27 20:22:35
spooksmcgee ::: Favorites
not funny
07-07-08 10:43:39
ItalianStallionette ::: Favorites
This is GREAT! I can't wait to meet everyone!
07-07-07 06:41:33
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
have i told you lately i like you?
07-07-04 14:50:51
NightingaleNews ::: Favorites
Ok, Thor... who said you can't sing?? They're tone deaf! :)
07-07-04 14:48:33
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
oh and the outro!! HEEELLLL YEAH! thats my theme song!!
07-07-03 23:28:08
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
oh you know it, the gaunlet was laid down long on your page!! when you sang torn! my favorite song and you did it so disgusting great i have to take you out! by the way have you seen the Mime version of that song!! hysterical!
07-07-03 23:27:10
annspade ::: Favorites
First! (Ironically because it was more towards last!) I love Thunder Struck! M'kay. Moving on... Karen mentioned the Pre Party gig, too! You challenging me? Are YOU challenging ME?? Oh it is SO ON!! Bring it! *wimpers into dark corner*
07-07-03 23:17:45
themightythor1212 ::: Favorites
Banana Hammocks are the new crocs. Zipster told me so!
07-07-03 10:26:48
nalts ::: Favorites
10 weeks later i finally find this video. Excellent texture. Fast enough to keep Nutcheese engaged and full of hysterical clips. But about those grape smugglers you were wearing. Please tell me you're not wearing banana hammocks to 777.
07-07-03 10:16:52

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