Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Coeur d'Alene Julyamsh Pow Wow

Duration: 03:59 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-27 15:34:01
User: 65bridges
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Coeur d'Alene tribe in Idaho State, hold their Julyamsh Pow Wow, in a greyhound park outisde Spokane, Washington. Great dispalys of traditional regalia. Dance and drumming competitions. A member of the council speaks to Manchán about the death of his culture and the compassion he feels for others who also lose their language. Manchán Magan Global Nomad Films.


sstyx8 ::: Favorites
The spirit of Native Americans to me is the true spirit of America! The love for all men and all Gods creations. This is what makes America so different from all other nations. If the ways of the Native American are lost and or forgotten, then the American spirit will not be far behind!
07-09-19 17:36:00
lyn1954o ::: Favorites
no-one should ever be stopped from being who they are/ lovely but i felt so sad for the guy near to tears. be true to yourself, your people, your culture but mostly your heart
07-09-04 15:46:38
craigschirato ::: Favorites
Our native Americans are a National Treasure. We should all honor their place in our country. We should do what we can to cultivate and appreciate the wonderful color and tradtions that they weave into our culture, arts and dreams.
07-08-10 01:32:20
thats my grandpa clifford sijohn thats singing my name is victor sijohn!!!
07-08-01 05:12:28
Kayleemouse ::: Favorites
hey! i was there last night!! i am a quarter Indian, the rest is French and Norwegian. and last night really made me appreciate my Indian heritage. btw what is the music called that they dance too? i loved the singing/chanting that they were doing. it was beautiful. thank you for posting this video!! =]
07-07-28 04:32:03
Carvmann ::: Favorites
Awesome video.Well enough to make a trip to Idaho just to see all this on July 28
07-07-25 00:56:24
letstalkaboutstuff ::: Favorites
This was touching and humbling in a few parts, and I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.
07-07-25 00:48:49
idahocowboy4 ::: Favorites
Like I grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Washington, it is a tradition to keeep your hair long, but we do cut our hair for variuos reasons, one being military, one being an old tradition of showing that you are morning the loss of a loved one. and really if you want short hair cut your hair.
07-07-08 10:24:33
PowwowTime ::: Favorites
Some people follow various ancient traditions of keeping their hair long, etc. But all of us? Is there some law that requires us to live out your narrow stereotype?
07-07-04 15:41:13
cougartracks ::: Favorites
While there are young men like the one talking in this clip there's hope,a good decent young man, Osceola Bird Man Waters,
07-07-01 20:55:32

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