Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A date with Mr. Bloom

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-20 09:52:56
User: OrlisBloomers
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Video entry for Oprah Winfrey's "I want to meet a star" A request from a damsel in distress... I've been a fan of 'The Bloom' since way back when. From his quest to destroy a ring an' then, I studied the works of the sword swingin', arrow firin' lad ever since! T'would be a great honour t'meet the prince. Though I won't deny his swashbucklin' good looks, his dedication and sincerity is top in my books. He's a gentleman, a hero, who embodies chivalry, but still he is humble in all his majesty. His loyalty to fans is number one and he's the kind of man you could take home to mum. I've searched me homeland f'the son of an Irish farmer. For a milk man, a pirate, or a knight in shining armour. But alas! This characters' travels are far between, t'the land Downunder where it's not so green. So a different approach I've taken you see, as Orlando Bloom will not come to me. I dug deep in my pockets and saved every penny, to travel the world with adventures a-many. For England, Ireland and Scotland I'm bound, and then the Americas - where will he be found? But alas, my itinery is still incomplete, unless in my travels Orlando I meet. If you could assist me, my dream to fulfil, I'd be eternally grateful and even pay the bill. Now, I've uploaded a movie to YouTube, which I hope merrits your attention and you don't think I'm rude; in sending my request electronically, t'would simply take too long by sea.


Ziggy795 ::: Favorites
that was so good......
07-09-04 11:42:14
Aremi17 ::: Favorites
07-07-10 21:49:49
CloudxTifa150 ::: Favorites
hahaaaaha!!! So so so so so funnyyyyy!! very good! hope ya' getta meet Orlando! aye! xD!
07-06-22 13:33:48
balaftuna ::: Favorites
brilliant :)! hope you win whatever it is you wanted.
07-06-15 19:17:44
OrlisBloomers ::: Favorites
Thanks! me too!
07-06-15 22:11:16
Danie8991 ::: Favorites
did u win?
07-06-15 18:03:36
OrlisBloomers ::: Favorites
Haven't heard anything yet... so probably not, but there's no specific time limit, so I'm still waiting in hope! haha
07-06-15 22:10:43
LilLoOpZ ::: Favorites
what movie was that, at the end with him?
07-05-30 20:19:19
nonevilhobbit ::: Favorites
Hilarious! Hehe, I love that you play all the characters in the video. Clever song too! You're a shoe-in for Oprah's star meeting.
07-05-30 04:53:07
MissCicero ::: Favorites
omg Jim, I love you for this! yu just made me laugh so much. THANK YOU!!! and of course good luck with Oprah!
07-05-22 19:28:57

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