Wednesday, October 31, 2007

George Bush calls Alex Jones answering machine.

Duration: 01:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-14 12:21:38
User: Xare420
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This is either really George Bush or its a Very good Impersonator playing a joke on Alex Jones. George left a message for Alex saying he wish's to speak with him about the conspiracy to solve the problems Diplomaticly... This is from the Friday the 13th show 2006. Strangly this is right after the southpark 9-11 conspiracy episode aired. Read the Comments to find out !!! tags: George Bush Alex Jones New World Order Conspiracy 911 Funny impersonate bohemian grove prank joke impersonation Secret Societies Zionist Zionism iraq iran


HugelySuspicious ::: Favorites
I doubt, uh, that, uh, that is George, uh, Bush.
07-10-30 00:43:00
blumenkrieg ::: Favorites
VATICAN-911 Bush-Kerry-Blair- & ZION-Rothschild Kohl-Brown-Jews are the biggest Scourge of the Earth. What dissident Jews say about their own: "We Jews [like E. Bronfman, WJC, Agent Orange, Dow Chemical], we, the destroyers, will remain destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own." M. Samuel 'You Gentiles', P. l55 Harcourt, Brace. 1924 w w w . bfed . dk
07-10-29 16:08:52
freespeachrulez ::: Favorites
thats assuming he is calling using the proper channels. I don't know what to make of this, all I know is if it is a impersonator, how did he get Alex jones phone number? And why didn't Alex Jones put this on his website?
07-10-29 02:13:33
NoahHoe ::: Favorites
lol does sound like him. doubt it is him tho
07-10-28 19:08:00
Shonaripa ::: Favorites
this really really sounds like George Bush and not an impersonator. The way he chose the words and everything, his insecurity, it wasn't exagerated or anything, it was really like Goerge Bush. That's George Bush. Don't think he decided to do that call by himself though, someone told that that would've probably be a good idea, since he's the president and all
07-10-28 14:03:10
cycimian ::: Favorites
I wish i knew, years ago the Corg M1 Had a nifty little bit of tech called a sampler, It could upload sounds by microphone and you could play those same sounds, Even Voices, That was back in the late 70zz, Whats around today i dont know, And i cant say for sure it is or not Bush. Can you?
07-10-28 11:14:48
yourredcomrade717 ::: Favorites
umm citizenbrain, your anti alex jones video was the biggest anti jew crock ive ever read. you didnt even get alexes faith correct. your clips disproved nothing except that your full of shit. and then when tons of people caught you in your lie, you disabled the comments.... nice.
07-10-28 10:58:08
niunka1 ::: Favorites
diplomatic diplomacy? WTF?.... Anyway, Alex Jones! I think they want to become friends with you, it seems they've recognized the threat and want to silence it
07-10-27 23:59:12
Medium0Rare ::: Favorites
actually citizenbrain, all roads lead to israel and right now we're wraped around the zionist finger.
07-10-27 11:37:16
Teutonicberserker ::: Favorites
Huckabee supports war, open borders, and the police state "patriot" act. Ron Paul is the best man running, BY FAR.
07-10-27 06:19:25

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