Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hate Crime

Duration: 06:24 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-09 17:42:16
User: FantasticBabblings
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On May 16, 2007 in front of a bar in Greenville, South Carolina, 20 year old Sean Kennedy was beaten to death simply for being gay.


DennyAlbert ::: Favorites
Stories like this are never mentioned in the news so it's good that kind men like yourself are alerting us about this. Sean's memory will be around for a long time to come.
07-09-22 19:39:10
flyingdrake ::: Favorites
gee thanks, blanket bigotry (say against a state) is not a salve to combat other bigotry. there are glbt people in every state & county dammit.
07-09-17 01:53:04
funnypuppetvideos ::: Favorites
search supdudedood  for funny puppet drug videos
07-08-28 17:24:43
davenjoel ::: Favorites
I was attacked in London after leaving a gay club with my partner by a gang of homophobic people waiting outside. I was badly hurt and was in a medically induced coma for 9 days. I sustained brain injury and have not been able to get back to work. This type of crime is on the rise here in the UK and I feel passionate in making this type of crime come to an end!! Bless Sean Kennedy and may he be in a safe, peaceful and happy place.
07-08-28 12:37:49
FantasticBabblings ::: Favorites
Sorry, but I can't agree with you. There are too many good people there who are fighting against the bigots. Many of them are friends of mine. It isn't fair to paint everyone with the same broad brush.
07-08-22 22:15:33
iabhornc ::: Favorites
Good luck in having laws changed in SC. South Carolina is probably 10X more corrupt and putrid than North Carolina. Those southerners, I swear... They pride themselves in doing what you said they did to Sean as well as being loud and obnoxious. They should drop an atomic bomb on the entire bigot south starting with Texas and the Carolinas.
07-08-22 13:29:20
iabhornc ::: Favorites
Screw Greenville (both in NC and SC). And, yes. Sadly, that is the south for you (i.e. ppl. coming up to you and asking you about your sexual orientation, marital status, etc.) The putrid southern assholes should drop dead off the face of the earth or choke on their Confederate (nazi symbol) flag.
07-08-22 13:24:35
FantasticBabblings ::: Favorites
Thanks. I have some further comment, but I will post it on your video.
07-08-19 12:14:06
rkzenrage ::: Favorites
Regardless of how I feel about hate crime legislation, I am VERY sorry for the loss of your friend and agree that people need to stop focusing on our differences.
07-08-19 03:51:45
KakoiDedikuSan ::: Favorites
Anyone can attend but silence is appreciated not only out of respect for Judge Cagle, but also for the family. If you or anyone else wishes to write a letter you still have time: I will message you more info.
07-08-18 21:51:30

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