Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Wolf Blitzer versus David Duke CNN 12/13/06

Duration: 11:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-13 17:34:39
User: breezebringer
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This interview was pretty interesting. I think David Duke is a dipshit and Wolf Blitzer kept is cool. This is a classic interview. David Duke sides with Iran and believes the Holocaust never existed. December 13, 2006.


programmusic ::: Favorites
Wow, David Duke is a ****ing retard.
07-10-30 00:48:56
eyeofhebeholder1 ::: Favorites
Funny, we have 'radical Islam' and 'Christian fundamentalists,' then we simply have Jews. I'm sorry, Jews are my neighbors. 'Radical Jewish Exteremists' are Zionist American traitors who manipulate our statistics and are congress' biggest sugar daddy (AIPAC). If a black gang guns you down, saying they're black isn't racist. If Zionists w/ AIPAC get to us fight & die for Israel's "A Clean Break," saying they're Jewish is a statement of fact.
07-10-29 19:35:53
eyeofhebeholder1 ::: Favorites
If he is still a 'white supremacist,' he wouldn't be meeting with and befriending Persians and Persian Jews. If he is anti-Semitic, he wouldn't be befriending Persian Jews. He is anti-Zionist & white, Christian John Hagee is an uber Zionist. Zionists like Feith planned for Iraq's, Iran's and Syria's ouster w/ Netanyahu in "A Clean Break". As Undersec. of Def, he manipulated our intelligence (Office of Special Plans) so US would fight & die & fund for Zionism.
07-10-29 19:33:06
SexGirl73 ::: Favorites
Cool Video, check out the link in my profile. I have my WEBCAM live running most of the time on that website, being nauwghty
07-10-29 14:10:53
Starbase375 ::: Favorites
in university Duke became famous on campus for wearing a Nazi uniform while picketing and holding parties on the anniversary of the birth of Adolf Hitler. The year of his graduation, he formed the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
07-10-26 08:48:42
DietseHamer ::: Favorites
i bet David Duke would love to see Europe turn islamic i bet he is a jew himself
07-10-23 17:58:23
lille25 ::: Favorites
one of the most prominent 'talmudprofessors' of the 1900 who lived and worked in europe and america was the rabbi solomon schechter from romania. now the name schechter just 'happens' to mean 'ritual slaughterer' in hebrew. i don't with jews, but i would like to bear it
07-10-23 05:37:04
DietseHamer ::: Favorites
i am not a White Nationalist because i do not like having muslims in Europe right.................
07-10-22 11:21:55
Populist1488 ::: Favorites
You are not a White Nationalist.
07-10-21 20:46:59
ZionProtocols ::: Favorites
The Jewish media is anti white and pro war. More than 90% of the people killed in WWII were not Jews. Why do we always hear about the Jews from the media and education system? Are Jews more important than everyone else killed in all wars in history? I am sick about hearing about the so called Jewish only holocaust of WWII. It is a tool they use.
07-10-19 00:44:19

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