Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Worst Story We All Missed in America - Not Covered by MEDIA

Duration: 04:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-08 16:18:57
User: Yao2k7
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Please spread and post this video link anywhere you can. I am a CNN junkie, but never saw this on CNN or any other TV channel or on the web. Most likely you didn't hear or see this on news either. WHY? yes a BIG BIT WHY? So, please spread this and let other people aware of this heinous crime. My main purpose of this video is to let people know this kind of crime in sick, frightening, mentally devastating. My hope is this kind of crime never ever happen again. Thank you. Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., 23, and Channon Gail Christian, 21, were a couple from Knoxville, Tennessee. They were murdered and, according to a Tennessee grand jury, both the man and woman were raped after being kidnapped early on the morning of January 7, 2007. Their vehicle had been carjacked. The four suspects indicted in Knox County will be tried separately, at trials scheduled between May and August of 2008. Davidson has also been indicted for a second robbery which was committed after the murders. Why not NOW?


WatchListen2Me ::: Favorites
Well I kinda see what he is talking about, the overall picture if you will. I think he is trying to say that if someone speaks bad about African Americans in the news,it seems as if it can get them in trouble in todays society. I'm not sure if this is true or not. It could have Jesse Jackson upset though LOL
07-10-09 09:33:18
ui334 ::: Favorites
Fuck AL Sharpton
07-10-09 01:54:53
purplehorny ::: Favorites
This is so ridiculous. How can anyone say that this story has not been covered when it has been all over You Tube, talk radio and FauxNews? If that's not coverage, I don't know what is.
07-10-09 00:28:58
1787patriot ::: Favorites
Listen here Shakespeare...Get your cock out of that rooster and listen up...We Chinese Own You..used to litteraly, Peaking Duck Is Kisengers favorite for a reason..Tender flesh of a Shakespeare coupled with a lovely, marinade is splendid. once you get all the little black hairs off...They do not cook.Oil residual prevents this. Much Likened to a Pork Rind. In Other words Mustard Biscuit, Tire, Envelope..Now do U understand?
07-10-09 00:24:32
1787patriot ::: Favorites
most amount of butt pluggers..junkies, haters, ever and that is a bold statement. Go Team Jews!!!
07-10-09 00:18:56
1787patriot ::: Favorites
07-10-09 00:15:24
1787patriot ::: Favorites
I am willing to bet cash I score better than you on all minus spelling..obviously..Are you a Juden/Jew? You are a mental midget, at "max" 4'-6" Better than a 141? How about EQ? Ever get Laid? Face look like it was caught fire and put out with a rake? Bring something. I am your huckelberry. a 15 year old know it all..I met a couple million of you last decade.
07-10-09 00:14:30
dragonboygd ::: Favorites
the fact a story of this magnitude was ignored is the issue here. it is things like this that show what the drive-by media can do(or cannot do).Make you focus one one side of the problem. It is only whites that do hate crimes against blacks, black people are innocent in things like this. Bull, it happens both ways, the fact that it wasn't reported with the seriousness it needed because it wasn't the kind of message the media wanted to send.
07-10-08 23:48:50
PeaceGod12 ::: Favorites
George Bush raped and had killed a black woman (he grew up with as a child) Margie Schoedinger...and the press never covered the story.. Why? Race baiting..Jewish technique of divide an conquer..Get Whites concentrating on those who dont have power (Blacks while Jews walk away with the booty... All people murder eachother and do terrible things to eachother...
07-10-08 23:47:18
iamboredok ::: Favorites
Well, yes this is a very big story. but this not the worst story. the worst story, is the story that is going on at this very moment and it has been going on for years and will go on for years to come. do you know what that story is? well, figure it out. just look behind the scenes.
07-10-08 23:44:54

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