Sunday, November 4, 2007

Invasion Masquerading As Immigration

Duration: 02:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-04-11 03:22:57
User: TheWatchdog
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A wave of anti-American leftism is sweeping Latin America. A socialist radical may soon be elected as the president of Mexico, a country which officially encourages its emigrants to vote in Mexican elections, urging them to think of themselves as Mexican first and perhaps only. The eventual outcome is plain for anyone with eyes to see. This is invasion masquerading as immigration.


santana714 ::: Favorites
U white people wit da racist comments against us mexicans and da black people R racist like you've always been for centuries shure some of us may hate each other but if U talk shit about us we will unite and kill you white trash
06-06-21 21:30:33
Cyrus255 ::: Favorites
By the way, I don't fit your racial bias. Yes I'm white, but I am ONLY 18, I own a multi-million (only $5 million value for now) global corporation and I hire many LEGAL immigrants. I graduated from high school at 16, and pulled my family out of debt. It seems like America has this love-affair with criminals, and forgets all about the law-abiding good people. I was watching the marches, and when I saw a banner with a big white man's head decapitated from his body... I knew something was wrong.
06-06-09 14:47:23
jayman138 ::: Favorites
dude watch for your life! and get your facts straight.
06-06-09 14:37:51
mdb6438 ::: Favorites
xxblackwaterparkxx...maybe you could explain the phrase "La Raza Unida" or “Por La Raza Todo. Fuera De La Raza Nada“ to us. If an anglo said - THE RACE UNITED - or - EVERYTHING FOR THE RACE, EVERYTHING OUTSIDE THE RACE, NOTHING - they would be accused of being a member of the KKK or a skinhead. When a Hispanic says these things or a Black says BLACK POWER they are just showing pride in their heritage right? There are racists in every race.
06-06-09 07:57:02
mdb6438 ::: Favorites
You were?
06-06-09 07:39:10
xxblackwaterparkxx ::: Favorites
thats one point of view.are you mexican or black?do you live in these communities? i see the people who are anti minority, and yes i said minority because thats what it is and for the most part they are aglo and around 30-40.its anti immigration mascarading as cultural bias.devide and conquer is the strategy but it wont work. this is my point of view.i would appreciate it if you would in any future response refrain from any personal insults.thank you.
06-06-03 03:32:31
Cyrus255 ::: Favorites
Watch this for your peaceful march
06-06-01 02:56:13
Cyrus255 ::: Favorites
July 2, 2006 Mexican elections. Look who's estimated to win: a Communist dictator worse than Hugo Chavez. When they FINALLY figure out that America won't give into amnesty a second time, they'll get violent. Maybe just 5-10%, but that's 1-2 million...
06-06-01 02:46:44
xxblackwaterparkxx ::: Favorites
oh oh fear the evil illegals....good call on that one sherly.
06-06-01 02:32:34
ancientflower ::: Favorites
this lady makes no sense...blacks and latinos are not united and don't care about this lady...
06-05-18 23:08:05

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