Thursday, November 29, 2007

Kudlow vs Liberty Dollar founder B. NotHaus - 11.20.07

Duration: 05:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-20 20:43:30
User: PeakOilPete
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Larry "Goldilocks Greatest Story Never Told" Kudlow takes on the liberty dollar's founder Bernard von NotHaus.


mrchekky ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 22:02:07

This man needs to be supported. That first guest speaker is an absolute total dick head. Go Ron Paul Go..........
tbone2091 ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 22:56:25

Who's the fool who says that real gold and silver coins is 'counterfeit' and the feds paper crap is 'real'! He's another fool caught up in our fairyland monetary system.
newmania20000 ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 23:28:31

One day guys like the first one from forbes will only be good for shoveling ditches. People need to wake up from their dreamland. Printing numbers on paper and calling it money is stupid. Gold cannot be destroyed and is a reliable store of wealth. God save our economy from these idiots.
Iconoclast421 ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 23:36:50

god where do they find these idiot shills... like that goon in the center-bottom of the screen when he had 5 guys on the screen. That guy is shilling for the federal reserve and saying the liberty dollar destroys the value of the US dollar. But that's a lie in itself. When people trade gold-backed dollars for federal reserve notes, it actually STRENGTHENS the value of a federal reserve note! He's totally ignorant about how money works! (So of course he hates Ron Paul!)
FutureIsNowTV ::: Favorites  2007-11-21 12:03:28

The idiot said "I want to be paid in real dollars not make believe." This coming from someone working for Forbes. His "real" dollar (Fed Res Note) is FIAT. Nothing behind it but the hoodwink of getting people to use it and you can see it takes FORCE with guns to get some peole to use it.
blondieb23 ::: Favorites  2007-11-21 16:45:01

OMG who is that skinny loud mouth DICKHEAD!!? I would break that guys nose if I had a, he pissed me off saying he didn't want "play money"...what an ignorant douchebag...
tbudha ::: Favorites  2007-11-21 18:47:35

Quentin Hardy obviously has sucked a lot of cock for the privilege of being on TV, but that shouldn't be the standard, should it CNBC? Also, I agree with the other commentator that I'm surprised he works at Forbes. I'll remember to never buy that magazine again.
tbudha ::: Favorites  2007-11-21 19:01:11

"Right away, I'm glad they raided you" -Quentin Hardy on the fact that Liberty Dollar minted a Ron Paul piece. I wonder if this is the kind of logic the Fed will use in court. What's worse, he says he's "glad". This kind of vitriol and glee in someone's misfortune is something I'd expect from a junior high kid, which is maybe why he kept saying "dude" like a young punk. Is this the kind of discourse we want on the nation's business channel?
TyredUvBS ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 02:21:58

this became a lousy out of control segment once the guest "investment strategists" were asked to weigh in.
mdavedc ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 19:34:46

Let the freemarket chose and adhere to the constitution. That guy from Forbes won't tell you how much gold and ETF's he has in order to hedge against the collapsing dollar. He doesn't give a shit about you. Go Bernard, Go Ron Paul
Green7Hornet ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 10:34:50

20 million in liberty dollars, Tillions in FED shitpaper - Undermined? Idiot. FED shitpaper was undermined by breaking the gold link, and is being undermined, by the actions of the FED, by printing it without limit, as Bernanke fully intends to keep on doing until the US is demolished, as the FED seems to desire.
charliemarkov ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 15:40:05

Outrageous!! the guy provides a currency of real value and gets raided. Then that idiot commentator has the nerve to accuse him of 'counterfeiting' and 'undermining the dollar'. He hasn't even been charged of anything!! what is more, the idiot guest would rather hold Fed Notes than solid gold liberty dollars!!
wrenchmandan ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 22:19:13

pay me in gold anyday!
AspiretoShred ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 03:46:17

It's a sad day when the only real currency our constitution demands is deemed illegal simply to try to slander a candidate who is making headway with real live voters and not lobbyist and bankers
thinbev ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 08:00:01

The world is quickly waking up to the paper money scam.

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