Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Aaliyah - Try Again live

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-04 13:23:41
User: wizgenie
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Aaliyah's live with Timberland I miss her. This vedio's not belongs to me


dboy4100 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 23:09:35

jerellp, all i have to say that if u like aaliyah, like her, if u hate aaliyah, hate her, but u need to choose which 1 u wanna do.
Goodies4daHoodies22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 19:32:03

Goodies4daHoodies22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 19:31:29

"first of all i never said chest voice and falsetto were the same. " Oh, yes you fucking did. And, hon, why the fuck are stealing my retorts? LMFAOOO, "WIZGENIE please block this fool from this video becuase shes nothing but trouble and a biased hater. " Didn't I say something similar to you on spally's video? LMFAOO. What are you desperate?
jerellp ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 19:30:15

u give me 2 dam places wheres shes doing that i dont care but tthis video is mainly her just singing then dancing not at the same tyme
jerellp ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 19:28:50

first of all i never said chest voice and falsetto were the same. But i also get it just because i dont know what you know makes me ignorant. you know what say what ever you wasnt about me i'll just know that once you get off the computer your thinking about me. and second i'm not going to argue with you anymore because it's going to be the same thing. WIZGENIE please block this fool from this video becuase shes nothing but trouble and a biased hater.
Goodies4daHoodies22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 19:16:04

"but what i mainly see is everytime she sings she STOPS dancing hence " Did I not just point out the time(s) in this video of her dancing and singing at the same time? Are you blind, deaf and dumb, or too slow to comprehend it? You said, "EVERYTIME Aaliyah sings she stops dancing", well I've clearly seen different, and not just in this clip. Yet, still. Even if Aaliyah didn't do it here, she did on other performances where the dancing was just as intricate, so what's your point?
Goodies4daHoodies22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 19:10:21

I'm calling you ignorant because that is what you fucking are. You've claimed several times that lower key and deep alto are the same thing, chest voice and falsetto are the same? WTF? LMFAOOO, now if that's ignorance you are in living in pure bliss.
jerellp ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 19:06:32

I hear everything in this performance but what i mainly see is everytime she sings she STOPS dancing hence stating that when dancing and singing at the same time she wans't that good but i understand why she wasnt since her tyme was so short for her to learn.
jerellp ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 19:06:04

Your calling me ignorant Basely because i dont agree on what you say. Thats what that is if you say Aaliyah is beautiful and i say she wasn't i would be the dummest person to you. How about this, my opinions are going to be way totally different from yours, But don't call me out on what you obviously don't no about me.
Goodies4daHoodies22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 18:58:09

From 0:55 to 1:00, you know full damn well she did. Also, at 1:26 to 1:32 and there are some other points that you should hopefully be able to spot. But anyway, from what I've heard in the majority of her performances, whenever Aaliyah performed live she sung in chest voice sort of, and continued the same way while she danced. If you don't hear that, I can't blame you. You're ignorant, so I'll expect the obvious.
Goodies4daHoodies22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 18:53:14

The lipped synced version was better according to you, of course. Someone who can' barely accept REAL LIVE MUSIC from anyone besides Ashanti---even if it bit you far in the ass, such as now. You think Aaliyah couldn't sing well while dancing; Okay, good for you! I, however think differently, and have tons of videos to back me up.
jerellp ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 18:31:59

and also when she singin on this u dont see her dancing.. at the same tyme note that everytime she starts singing she stops dancing and just move around a little bit.. and u no it.. but hey shes gone now she cant fix it
jerellp ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 18:29:58

EXactly being a performer isnt all about dancing.. and just on my other videos u said that she could do it live .. and she did but the lipped vversion is better.. just like always she goes to deep alto to sing and dance at the same tyme.. if she is going to have a hard tyme doing it in her original voice maybe she shood have recorder her songs in deep alto
Goodies4daHoodies22 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 18:03:08

According to who? You? Maybe one of us aint on the same page, because from what I hear, she sounds superb. Even when she danced and sung! And besides, you're saying it like she has to dance every damn second she sings. Newsflash, being a performer isn't all about dancing.
jerellp ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 23:03:14

not hating but this is clearly proof that if she was dancing at the same tyme she woodnt sound to good.. note on how she is singing now.. she wasnt all that great singin and dancing at the same tyme

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