Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We ALL made Doughnuts!

Duration: 02:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-02 17:12:54

We all just learned to make doughnuts today. Even the dog got involved in the end.


chitter0chatter  2008-02-03 11:54:45

I was scared that the kids would wreck, but we had fun. Our yard today, doesn't look any better than yesterday. Oh well. It's only grass.
chitter0chatter  2008-02-03 11:53:20

It was a great day yesterday.
chitter0chatter  2008-02-03 11:53:05

I was so scared that the kids would wreck. But it teaches them that things slide on the snow. Maybe it will help with their driving skills when they get older. LOL.
aussie4me  2008-02-02 22:15:18

FAROUT! Even thought I hate snow, that look like FuuuuNNNNN! Can I try that?
tigerus3  2008-02-02 21:24:50

pretty cool. next time we go too

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