Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Britains Last Christmas - Police State

Duration: 09:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-23 18:52:16

David Noakes talks about the signing over of British Government rule to the European Union. Don't let this be Britains Last Christmas. Filmed & Edited by Darren Pollard


eutruther  2008-04-05 11:32:04

Oppose the nazi European Union whilst we still can. They want control of all our lives for the elite and the new world order!
SHAOLINSINZ  2008-04-03 21:41:44

my plan escape the EU, It is unfightable with the amount of ignorance, the scale of the desctruction will be to much. Ive been researching this topic for years and grown up seeing more n more evidence in my life experience and in books i read and even in reality itself through there own systems such as the media. But one thing i have come to realise, at the moment this is much bigger than the government and therefore removing them is pointless there will be more to take there place.
darrenpollard1st  2008-04-03 18:20:59

Which is?
awoken06  2008-03-22 08:25:17

i have a cunning plan...
TURNTOCHRIST  2008-02-18 14:31:07

Bible prophecy friend, tower of Babel again, mans way to gloryfy man

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