Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Meshuggah - Nuclear Blast Video Cast - Episode Two - PART 2

Duration: 07:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-29 19:13:35

PART TWO - Loana dP Valencia (of NB USA) sits with MESHUGGAH's Tomas Haake and Marten Hagstrom to discuss music, guitar + drumming, and obZen!


zpader  2008-03-27 12:35:05

Well dident isent the drummer a professor of precussion or something like that? So practice practice practice practice practice practice ^^
tolorius  2008-03-25 18:38:05

the only thing u need is the taste of polyrythms lol
Gatekeepah  2008-03-18 12:16:18

From what I can recollect, Meshuggah is a sober band, in terms of drug-usage. Don't quote me on that, but from what I see, these guys seem like they're above that crap.
maacan  2008-03-09 15:05:27

I wonder how they have learned to play like they do, it must have been years in music school.
mikejarr  2008-03-04 00:26:50

tomas is hilarious i wonder how much acid they've done and how many hits they've popped at once lol

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