Tuesday, August 28, 2007

北洋水師 Beiyang Fleet (1888-1895)

Duration: 06:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-12 09:46:36
User: ChineseKungFu01
:::: Favorites

This is my number 18th home made video on YouTube. This video is about 北洋水師 Beiyang Fleet. It was the Strongest Navy in Asia and 8th Stongest in the World at that time. It created in 1888 and end up in 1895 after First Sino-Japanese War. This is the only video about 北洋水師 Beiyang Fleet and 甲午戰爭 on YouTube. Well, i hope everyone will like it and learn some history about it. And Please add some comment about it, thx!

tamkwai77 ::: Favorites
What a waste of money to built the Beiyang Fleet. China will have no future without political reform.
07-08-21 21:49:10
minghezhanjiangg ::: Favorites
Though we Chinese sustained tremendous loss in this war about Korea and even more badly in the later Sino-japanese war, China is again rising to be a most powerful country in the new millennium. The history shows that as the never-collapsing great wall, China will never be defeated! Long life China!
07-08-09 22:19:12
lotusbomber ::: Favorites
Sorry, but as an American, I must say the the power of the United States Marine Corps with our Eagle Globe and the Anchor will come to the rescue, and we will prevail.
07-08-14 00:04:00
iambeijingertoo ::: Favorites
No one says China will fight U.S. The world is big enough for more than one super power. Please do not incite a sentiment of war.
07-08-14 00:26:10
minghezhanjiangg ::: Favorites
This video is so excellent! The most impressive shot is the one taken from a distant point with a number of ships in a formation. Though the Beiyang fleet lost the war, but no commander of a ship surrendered. Each of them chose either to sink with his ship or to commit suicide. China lost this war about Korea because of the corrupt government's neglect of munitions improvement. All the Beiyang fleet soldiers are heroes whom we should pay our respect to forever.
07-08-09 22:18:04
SX2190 ::: Favorites
O I'm sorry did u got it from wikipedia If u did u know any person can login to wikipedia can change it. and U know there is other battles that is missing. How can there is only 2 battle in the 1938. Wat did the Jap do in that 1938. Huh. -- THINK THINK USE UR BRAIN.
07-08-08 04:26:42
gingerbeardbastard ::: Favorites
of course i know but the point is that stuff i quoted is reference from other books and sources. so why dun u use ur brain and check out the stuff
07-08-08 14:35:07
SX2190 ::: Favorites
LOL. I got huge pile of history books. Chinese n Western. Got anything else to say.
07-08-09 05:01:52
gingerbeardbastard ::: Favorites
same here
07-08-09 16:35:46
SX2190 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 19:39:59
SX2190 ::: Favorites
I know the KMT held the Jap in that period in 2 battles. But remember in the period Jap occured small battles with the PLA behind the enemy lines. Did anyone talk about it. NO.
07-08-08 04:21:34
gingerbeardbastard ::: Favorites
of course ppl talked about it. i knew about the hundred regiment offensive etc... but the point is the KMT achievements have been so overshadowed most of the time and the main defense network was done by KMT. and without that the japs would of taken china. i agree KMT did a bad job before 1931 but they did put up a gd fight in the 1938 onwards
07-08-08 14:39:34
SX2190 ::: Favorites
Of cause they put up a good fight at that period n only that period but than not anymore. Remember PLA was attacking the Jap using other way to destroy the Jap but no one knows.
07-08-09 05:09:34
gingerbeardbastard ::: Favorites
of course PLA did but compare to KMT it wasnt much. i think no one really discredit wat the PLA contribute. but i think most ppl dun know about how much KMT contributed
07-08-09 16:35:36
SX2190 ::: Favorites
Noone like the KMT, because they are dumb to let the Jap to attack China for 6 years before KMT declaring war. Leader was forced to delcare war by the General who kidnapped him. Otherwise KMT will never attack the Jap. The first year and the battle of the Great Wall. KMT troops went n counter-attack the Jap. But they were lost because of the Leader order another group of troops to cut off their supplies forcing them to retreat and those offices who order the attack were killed for court-marsher.
07-08-09 19:53:51
SX2190 ::: Favorites
How can it be Chinese when the Mongolians was controlling the China. The main armies was the Mongolians. --
07-08-08 04:19:44
gingerbeardbastard ::: Favorites
u forgot china is a mixture of races. if u say it like that th Qing dynasty aint chinese too. the english dun exist as it was taken by saxons, vikings n normans. so the norman ruled england. does that mean that's not english history?
07-08-08 14:34:32
SX2190 ::: Favorites
--. Chinese means Han race. Because that is the proper Chinese.
07-08-09 05:05:41
gingerbeardbastard ::: Favorites
that's only ur view. nearly every nation has a mixture of people and they are named as one category the french, germans, english, italians etc...
07-08-09 16:34:38
gingerbeardbastard ::: Favorites
really? dun seem like it
07-08-08 00:44:13

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