Sunday, August 12, 2007

Fur farm in China

Duration: 356 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-13 09:52:40
User: TaxTex
:::: Favorites

Warning: This video contain cruelty image which many people can even imagine. -How human beings expect to grow in higher state of conciousness mind and live in peace with themselfs and others if We-or Others in our name,doing this and many bad things to inocent annimals-specialy in the slaughter houses...? ...This is terribly wrong...

TaxTex ::: Favorites
See,people without compassion...That is sick,ignorance also.Wish you nice life.
07-07-13 20:06:35
Decidis ::: Favorites
See my statement below this one. I judged the video after watching just 20 seconds of it, (just the clubbing) After watching the being skinned alive part, it is indeed extremely cruel and horrible. People that commit such atrocities should be put to death themselves, or at least tortured beyond recognition.
07-07-13 22:29:45
divedave ::: Favorites
I have no idea in how should i rate this, it is a horrible video but the message is strong...
07-07-18 13:45:00
438MillionBC ::: Favorites
We are not cavemen anymore.
07-07-21 16:19:49
438MillionBC ::: Favorites
I have no problem with China, but cruelty is cruelty, regardless of where it comes from or what traditions back doesn't matter what country it is in.
07-07-21 16:23:01
TaxTex ::: Favorites
Listen man.I dont give f*ck if the Peta or anybody lie long as they fight for annimals rights.I dont know is this attack have sense but if they all the time report animal abuse and suffering i will be with them.
07-07-22 16:54:20
edgarsedu ::: Favorites
what the fuck just kill them first
07-08-04 00:49:12
justpeachy12291 ::: Favorites
this is so fucking wrong! oh my god why the hell to these chinese assholes have to fricking TORTURE the INNOCENT ANIMALS?!?! WHAT THE HELL DID THE ANIMALS EVER DO TO THE SICK PEOPLE BEATING AND SKINNING THEM ALIVE?!?!? the people deserve to have everything they did to the poor animals done to them! THEN KILLED! this is SICK!!!! i know hate is a strong word, but i HATE them for the cruelty they did!
07-08-04 03:13:39
Nelloxy ::: Favorites
I want to kill those horrible people!! That mutherf**kers just stamped on his neck! I hate those people, why don't give something so they don't feel anything? I mean, I won't stand on the neck of people! Animals has to diserve the some right as humans. Horrible! And the animal in the beginning still lifed while his fur was ripped of! Even after it! This is sick. I've never weard fur jet, and I won't do it in my future!!
07-08-08 09:26:09
Nelloxy ::: Favorites
I cried about this, I hope this vid is going all around the world, so even that mutherf**king Jennifer Lopez stops wearing it. She's is a horrible human, the only thing she wears is fur!
07-08-08 09:26:26

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