Sunday, August 12, 2007

Michael Moore in CUBA with 911-Victims

Duration: 584 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-05 11:54:58
User: mikey120882
:::: Favorites

There are some good points in this movie, the US has definitly one of the worst health care systems, but to blame it all on the free market is not fair, because the US market is a total monopoly, which should be fighted by the government. one and the same inhale-spray costs 2400x more in the us than in cuba.. where is the competition?

Whaddafuq ::: Favorites
07-07-28 14:13:09
alcusmc1013 ::: Favorites
Thank you for uploading this. I haven't seen the film but now I do. I'm almsot afraid to. I'm on disability SS and know how bad it is here. Being a Gen Yer, I never got the Cuba propaganda. But what I see here is first class humane actions. Yay, Cuba! Even treating Americans so well that were taught to hate them.
07-07-28 16:54:17
kevin10987 ::: Favorites
Maybe so! But those people could afford luxorious things like health care. It is so sad that individuals have to suffer with pain and other aliments when they don't have to. That woman at the end was so relieved that she was able to get medical treatment that would reduce the amount of pain in her lungs, which was caused by all that smoke and debris that was in the air during 9/11.
07-07-29 17:45:27
kevin10987 ::: Favorites
(continued) I bet that President Bush gets free healthcare. I bet as soon as he took office for his first term, they signed him up on Medicaid or something identical that will take care of any healthcare bill that comes his way.
07-07-29 17:46:21
kevin10987 ::: Favorites
Plus, what is bad is, President Bush makes over $400,000 and still gets all those free governmental healthcare benefits which is nothing more than Medicaid (probably disguised as insurance for the president). I mean if anyone else makes $400,000+ a year, they would be eligible for Medicaid, so why should President Bush be eligible? And since he is elibible, then why not the citizens of the United States? And don't tell me he don't get his healthcare paid for him, because you know he does.
07-07-29 17:47:12
kevin10987 ::: Favorites
spell check error. "I mean if anyone else makes $400,000+ a year, they "wouldn't" be elible for Medicaid."
07-07-29 17:49:07
moviedudetx ::: Favorites
yeah I was really glad they were all finally able to get the care they needed, but its sad and pathetic, that Americans are able to get healthcare in a third-world country like Cuba but denied care at home. Oh, and the inhaler costing $120 here in the US but roughly 5 cents in Cuba, if thats not proof drug companies are heartless bastards, I don't know what is
07-07-29 22:03:41
UNOMINER ::: Favorites
you dont get the point mate its not about spellin its about the video. If oyu watched this vid an all you got to say is spellin I hope nothing happens to you or your family like these people
07-08-05 11:37:41
susanannemiller ::: Favorites
i dried when they took me to see this movie..micheal at leasr exposes the truth in everything he does. the media does not care about saving a life...i wish michael had helped me as i sent him my fight for life story 3 years ago.he has a good heart. help me tell my story while i am alive, it might help to stop this from happening to others. i would rather be dead than go on like this as this is not living susan
07-08-05 20:28:46
Hotspitta4life ::: Favorites
im a grown ass man and i damn near cried when that woman was told that it was a mere 5 cents.
07-08-07 14:52:47

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