Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Gears of War Sniper Guide

Duration: 402 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-12 05:11:25
User: GearsGuide
:::: Favorites

click more... hey guys. this is the unofficial Gears of War sniper guide, created by Detonati & Dibble155. hopefully this guide will show some of the people out there, how to get those average snipes, and build up your skill, so that one day, youll be rolling heads like paris hilton at a party. we really hope this helps some people out there. and remember! practise makes perfect!

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ahairywang ::: Favorites
nice vid dude thanks for the advice
07-08-02 04:22:54
PraetorShinzon ::: Favorites
Thanks, guys.
07-08-02 08:12:47
papajack8 ::: Favorites
5/5 great job and the joust waz hilarious
07-08-02 19:00:05
UselessMeatball ::: Favorites
btw did u no u sed Lb instead of LT? i'm not insulting i'm just sayin
07-08-02 20:33:53
m3dm3x ::: Favorites
Good job! I liked the guide very much! even learned a few things from it. ;0
07-08-02 21:20:56
lceTitan ::: Favorites
Nice i like the joust xD
07-08-03 00:49:13
corderoy17 ::: Favorites
frikin awesome! 5/5
07-08-03 01:31:52
Hardc0reG ::: Favorites
I'm just going out on a limb and saying you have the headshot acheivement.
07-08-03 16:54:45
MasterAndy13 ::: Favorites
great video finnaly some one has had the sense to make one for new people on the game nice 1
07-08-03 17:07:12
nicklebowski ::: Favorites
nice video. it really helped since i suck at sniping. also i lol'd at the joust.
07-08-03 20:10:48

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