Saturday, August 4, 2007

President Bush Speechalist

Duration: 237 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-15 03:31:50
User: B3tonyc
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President Bush Speechalist

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0O0OO0O00O0OO000O ::: Favorites
"Your grammer style is indicative of a mildy retarded third grader with a speech impediment (and I mean that in a good way). Your gramatical patterns are also indicative of a homophobe who is still wrestling with his inner oedipus complex (that's where ya wanna kill your daddy so's ya can sleep with yer mama). What's the name & address of the instituition you're now residing in so I can write? Nice try at using a dictionary and failing at spelling. You make Bush's screw-ups look intelligent.
07-01-15 10:00:45
earthacademy ::: Favorites
not elected..selected. Check the Masonic history... Voting is a scam. TV Games to keep the masses amused.Mere destraction while money is made thru land/oil/war/arms. Also it isn't because Bush is stupid but perhaps is left handed/right brained. Harder to form words fast, akin to stuttering, when right brain traverses to left brain.
07-02-07 01:21:26
aggiedel ::: Favorites
I find it interesting that you spelled grammar wrong!!
07-03-02 23:34:18
meggido666 ::: Favorites
holy CRAP that`s a lot of blinking, hahauahauahauh... what an idiot
07-03-27 20:42:56
mcstam94 ::: Favorites
07-03-30 13:58:16
Maximilaan1995 ::: Favorites
I think that fish and humans can co-exist peacefully. Best line of the whole think
07-04-22 08:37:03
DeoMachina ::: Favorites
Woah, that makes sense. I'm left handed and speaking isn't my best point.
07-04-24 15:46:32
HoJon66 ::: Favorites
it's amazing the lengths some people will go to try and make themselves look intelligent. i'll bet when you finished writing this you leaned back in your chair and really admired it didn't you? next time try using a dictionary.
07-05-19 13:19:34
briwill68 ::: Favorites
I think this guy is aka... Andy Dick lol
07-05-31 15:08:59
stevanasexywifet ::: Favorites
Have a fling ! Just visit WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-07-29 01:43:00

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