Sunday, September 16, 2007

曹格&卓文宣 - 梁山伯与茱丽叶

Duration: 04:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-28 03:36:57
User: veilunk
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曹格&卓文宣 - 梁山伯与茱丽叶 我的心唱首歌给你听 Wo de xin chang shou ge gei ni ting Let my heart sing a song just for you 歌词是如此的甜蜜 Ge ci shi ru ci de tian mi The lyrics are blissful 可是我害羞我没有勇气对你说一句我爱你 Ke shi wo hai xiu wo mei you yong qi dui ni shuo yi ju wo ai ni But I am too shy to say the words 'I love you' 为什么你还是不言不语 Wei shen me ni hai shi bu yan bu yu Why have you still not spoken 难道(是)你不懂我的心 Nan dao (shi) ni bu dong wo de xin No wonder you don't understand my heart 不管你用什么方式表明 Bu guan ni yong shen me fang shi biao ming No matter what method you use to make it clear 我会对你说我愿意 Wo hui dui ni shuo wo yuan yi I will say to you that I am willing 千言万语里 qian yan wan yu li all the words that can be said 只有一句话能 表白我的心 Zhi you yi ju hua neng biao bai wo de xin Only one phrase can really represent what my heart wants to say 千言万语里 qian yan wan yu li all the words that can be said 只有一句话就 能够让我们相偎相依 Zhi you yi ju hua jiu neng gou rang wo men xiang wei xiang yi only this phrase is capable of letting us be together 我爱你 你是我的茱丽叶 wo ai ni ni shi wo de zhu li ye I love you for you are my juliet 我愿意变成你的粱山伯 Wo yuan yi bian cheng ni de liang shan bo I am willing to change into your 'liang shan bo' ('Chinese' Romeo) 幸福的每一天浪漫的每一夜 Xing fu de mei yi tian, lang man de mei yi ye happiness each and every day, romantic each & every night 把爱 永远 不放开 I Love You Ba ai yong yuan bu fang kai I love you Never let love go for I love you 我爱你 你是我的罗密欧 Wo ai ni ni shi wo de luo mi ou I love you for you are my romeo 我愿意变成你的祝英台 Wo yuan yi bian cheng ni de zhu ying tai I am willing to change into your 'zhu ying tai' ('Chinese' Juliet) 幸福的每一天浪漫的每一夜 Xing fu de mei yi tian, lang man de mei yi ye happiness each and every day, romantic each & every night 美丽的爱情祝福着 未来 Mei li de ai qing zhu fu zhe wei lai the beautiful love that we share will bless our future

rockerbanker ::: Favorites
i <333333 tis song so much!!! ^_^
07-09-15 07:41:08
leongjunfeng ::: Favorites
romeo and juliet
07-09-11 08:59:14
leongjunfeng ::: Favorites
07-09-11 08:58:41
leongjunfeng ::: Favorites
ya u r rite hehe...
07-09-11 08:58:23
leongjunfeng ::: Favorites
07-09-11 08:57:58
xKariyu ::: Favorites
They sing beautifully~! Love this song <3
07-09-09 01:32:24
donthesitatetohate ::: Favorites
i love this song! :) and i think its called romeo and juliet in english?
07-08-28 13:45:11
ferrverrcryyiing ::: Favorites
i hab de lyrics
07-08-18 03:31:52
bebopboymann ::: Favorites
whats this song called in english?
07-08-17 15:49:45
girly0710bhest ::: Favorites
I love this song, but the story no much--
07-08-02 13:14:14

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