Monday, September 3, 2007


Duration: 10:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-30 14:38:47
User: impact83
:::: Favorites

Title says it all

MarxistaGuadalupano ::: Favorites
Para que entiendan toooodos.....YOU WANT TO FUCK THE SYSTEM?....EDUCATE YOUR SELF AND ALL THOSE AROUND YOU!...there's only one stronger feeling than the love for freedom...hate...hate for those who strip you from it. Ernesto Guevara said this. FUCK BUSH'S OIL THURST GENOCIDE!
07-09-01 15:13:09
MarxistaGuadalupano ::: Favorites
Da gusto ver que una pequenia parte de EUA PIENSA! Estupido sistema basado en aplastar al mas debil y mantener a TU gente ignorante y con miedo....Si votaste por BUSH, VETE A LA MIERDA!!
07-09-01 14:54:14
jtomasik ::: Favorites
If you hate the government and "the man" so much, you could always grow some balls and vote Libertarian. I always wondered why people who despise the government turn to even larger governments (like socialism) for respite. It makes no sense. Welfare's a part of it. That doesn't fix the compounds it. We gotta start taking care of ourselves. Cut the cord...
07-09-01 06:44:30
criznueve ::: Favorites
The comments about not working for the government like police, military, social worker and not letting you're child attend public school, you do know that America is a working class & cannot afford the exuberant cost of those snob schools. When someone is robbing your house, who do you call....that's right 911, a government worker. Stop consuming so much? You're too funny! Internet is a form of consumerism. Therefore not only are you a moron but a hypocrite as well.
07-08-30 21:27:48
criznueve ::: Favorites
I always wonder about these bands making political statements about capitalism when they themselves is signed in a major record album and get royalties from their past songs and that includes Zach de la Rocha.
07-08-30 21:21:53
freeminder ::: Favorites
Want to fuck the system?Stop watching commercials Stop consuming so much Throw away your T.V.Throw away your credit cards Stop paying taxes to the U.S. government Stop serving in government jobs like police military social work etc Stop putting your children in public schools Start researching and learning about issues like the FED the IRS the NWO False Flag Terror Wars and Capitalism by using your search engine Think like an Anarchist-Live like a Pacifist A little Anarchy goes a long way
07-08-30 10:18:20
freeminder ::: Favorites
To all you pro-troops, pro american flag-waving capitalist pigs, who stand by and let the USA run over the whole planet, just so you can have your american way of life...WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE?!
07-08-29 22:57:21
IndiansWorldChamps07 ::: Favorites
but then became a revolutionary?? And Stood Against Castro And was murdered bcz of it??
07-08-29 19:09:40
666rach666 ::: Favorites
i fucking love rage!!!!
07-08-29 16:32:13
Urocokidozi ::: Favorites
Zack never said anything about communism. He's against the system of lie, ignorance. Anyone that think he's wrong can go back to watching Fox news and suport Bush in killing innocent
07-08-29 01:33:18

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