Monday, October 8, 2007

Kosovo - Emerging as a Bastion for Radical Islam - Jihad

Duration: 07:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-16 00:11:10
User: matrixESC
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The Taliban Yesterday, Kosovo Tomorrow? Does America Really Want A New Rogue "State" Led By Jihad Terrorists And Criminals? This Time In Europe? More and more Americans are waking up to the fact that creating an Islamic rogue state in Kosovo is not in America's interest. The truth about Kosovo -- jihad terrorism, organized crime (drugs, weapons, sex slaves -- including children!), destruction of churches and attacks on Christian Serbs by Muslim Albanians -- is becoming impossible to ignore. Still, incredibly, elements of the international community -- including some sectors of the U.S. government and important voices in Congress -- have accepted the idea that the only "solution" for Kosovo is to detach it formally from democratic Serbia and create an independent Islamic state! This would mean the eradication of the remaining Christian Serb population from the historic cradle of their spiritual and national life. It would also mean officially handing power to the criminal and jihad terrorist leadership of the supposedly disbanded "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA), who would then become the "sovereign" government of a new state in Europe! These are the same men who already have made Kosovo a black hole of organized crime, and who have a demonstrated history of war crimes and links to al-Qaeda -- including to Osama bin Laden personally -- and to the government of Iran. In 2001, the civilized world was outraged when the terrorist Taliban regime in Afghanistan demolished two gigantic statues of Buddha. But the post-1999 destruction and desecration of Christian churches and monasteries by mobs of Muslim Albanians in the Serbian province of Kosovo is barely noticed. The Taliban destruction of the Buddhas was an offense against the world's cultural and spiritual values. But the jihad violence in Kosovo is not directed against just artifacts but living people: to remove the remaining Christian Serb population from the historic cradle of their spiritual and national life. Criminal and jihad terrorist elements of the supposedly disbanded "Kosovo Liberation Army"(KLA) maintain a reign of terror over Kosovo's still-dwindling Christian Serb population in what has become Europe's black hole of organized crime activities -- drugs (heroin derived from Afghan opium), sex slaves, weapons -- and the criminal gateway to the rest of the continent. Major figures in the KLA leadership have documented links to al-Qaeda -- including to Osama bin Laden personally -- as well as to the government of Iran. Personnel,money, and explosives tied to terrorist actions in Europe (such as the London and Madrid bombings) have been traced back to Kosovo. The terrorist Taliban regime in Afghanistan is defunct, thanks to bold U.S. action. But in Kosovo, incredibly, elements of the international community -- including some sectors of the U.S. government and important voices in Congress -- have accepted the idea that the only "solution" for the province is to detach it formally from Serbia and to make Kosovo an independent Islamic state! This would mean officially handing power to the criminal and jihad terrorist KLA leadership, who would then be empowered as a "sovereign"government. The United States should not support a misguided course of detaching Kosovo from Serbia to create an independent Muslim Albanian state dominated by terrorist and criminal elements! Doing so would -- _ Lead to the elimination of the remaining Christian Serb population; _ Strengthen global jihad terrorism and organized crime; and _ Fatally undermine the rule of law in international affairs. Say "NO" To Kosovo Independence!


Twycross ::: Favorites
=/ Uh except that that's wrong and it's an out dated over simplificed western clasification. So no, not all "white male and females" are caucasian.
07-10-07 13:18:12
penkalli ::: Favorites
By that, all white men are from caucasus, as we classify a white male or female as caucasian
07-10-07 04:53:23
Twycross ::: Favorites
Ah okay so since you are married to ONE Albanian it means all Albanians are like your wife. Acid trip what?
07-10-06 22:57:58
Twycross ::: Favorites
You're ignorant. Fed bs that you want to eat.
07-10-06 22:57:23
Twycross ::: Favorites
I suppose you've never read Justintinian, Ptolemy and Alexander's account of them being mercenaries for the Persian Empire either.
07-10-06 22:57:00
zapshock ::: Favorites
wow youre a genius. you should become a historian. maybe give a presentation in a prestige university. id love to see roars of laughter on your retarded face.
07-10-06 22:36:21
zapshock ::: Favorites
^i wasnt going to reply, but you just agreed on my point thus refuting yours, making your previous comments fat lies. you lie with no shame. fukin punk wishing death and trashtalking people you never even met.
07-10-06 22:35:01
jdin2007 ::: Favorites
Nice beard, and please stay off your acid trip before recording your pro-murderous ramblings. This guy is a complete WACK, LOL. I am American/Irish Catholic and am married to a Kosovo Albanian. Do not even try to shovel this shit to the world because as your brave and fearless Memorandum writer states (Serbian Arts & Sciences - Cosic) "We Serbians naturally lie because it is part of our culture". Serbians teach Genocide as its claim to Nationalism
07-10-06 21:52:55
Twycross ::: Favorites
Grow up, and i'm not Serbian either. The Albanian Muslims attacked Gorani Muslims because they were not Albanian, fact.
07-10-06 14:27:30
Twycross ::: Favorites
Albanians are from Caucaus mountains and came to Illyria during the reign of Byzantien Empire. The Byzantine Empire considered whoever settled a land, of that race. So if you are a Chinese in Germany, according to Byzantines you are a German now. Like wise the Albanians. Turks even call Albanians "those who don't belong" cause they remember you from Caucauses
07-10-06 14:26:14

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