Monday, October 8, 2007

Totally Random 3!!! Mission: KH Wreckage

Duration: 06:16 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-29 21:43:54
User: chaosxqueen
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get this crap! This time my mission is to ultimatley ruin KHII!!! MWAHAHAHAHA! (you know i still love it though) In this Totally Random: Don't trust Donald and Goofy (not with THOSE voices) Demyx gets pwned! Roxas gets his groove on Axel gives Xemnas a new name... Ansem wants Planet Hell, not Kingdom Hearts (or does he?) Did Axel say he was flattered, or fatter? Roxas just wants a little 'attenzione' Roxas is tired of these mother effing snakes on this mother effing plane Finally! Somebody realizes that Aeris is supposed to be dead! Sora denies Roxas' flying skills Roxas is cooler than Sora Tron can....SWEAR? Roxas is confused Sora is hIgH Axel is yo daddy Yar! Joes be the only place for Sora! Someone had a little to much caffine Make sure you say for the credits!!!! i dont have to tell you the name of these songs ^_^ (oh yeah, and sorry the whole 'attenzione' thing is really long...i got really into it!)


XmysmexyargentineX ::: Favorites
07-09-03 22:07:19
Akira2492 ::: Favorites
LOVE should soooo make more
07-08-19 13:52:20
Copperdragon ::: Favorites
Brilliant, lmfao
07-08-17 12:04:18
Xehanor ::: Favorites
the fast ending sounded like a theme to a pokemon city on gameboy to me :S AND I always thought wtf? aeris? but is she not? THAT IS THE BIG QUESTION!!!!
07-07-23 16:04:33
Giryinyang ::: Favorites
Yeah! Soo cool please make a 4th or a 5th or mabye "2 min later" And for the 25th you should have this and that!! LOL
07-07-19 23:45:09
beehive130 ::: Favorites
did anyone else realize how pitiful teh splash from teh ending was it was like maybe a foot high! How hard did tehy hit it? It should have went BWOOSH! tsuanmi riku 2!!!!
07-07-12 13:08:37
Larxenez ::: Favorites
nah, i still like KH2 :)
07-06-22 19:15:07
chaosxqueen ::: Favorites
Yes. Youtube has its own time zone.
07-05-24 22:18:16
animeqn89 ::: Favorites
Then ending was 25 seconds according to youtube time.
07-05-20 14:49:07
AxelCloud ::: Favorites
He know but he just wanted to improvise
07-05-18 15:38:37

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