Friday, October 5, 2007

World Of Warcraft: Smeh Pre-Mounted (Wildhammer)

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-29 20:05:38
User: luke84smeh
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New Hunter, same style. Longer vid, featuring lowbie action, kites and PVP (classic/lame hunter 'dont notice me' style). Skull Elite level Kite. Love it or Hate it this is how i roll Hunter.


jacops ::: Favorites
First of all, Wildhammer rocks, seccond of all, there's nothing cool about kiting, cuz that's for pussy's, be a man kill it without running away you hunTARDS...
07-08-28 16:38:48
jimbo3457 ::: Favorites
if ur on wildhammer and ur horde add me im tuch
07-08-14 16:34:53
SnapCrackleawsome ::: Favorites
i am on it
07-08-14 12:09:02
doesent ::: Favorites
oh=( yeye same here lol
07-08-09 05:10:47
nanobanana ::: Favorites
im on wildhammer too
07-08-05 20:36:44
luke84smeh ::: Favorites
lol yeh.. but i dont play anymore.. too many other things to do
07-07-15 06:38:59
doesent ::: Favorites
ok its runjumpin right??^^ im not
07-07-15 06:08:42
doesent ::: Favorites
plz tell me the name of him this video owns like i said
07-07-15 05:59:47
doesent ::: Favorites
whats ur char name?? AWSOME VIDEO!! u own as hunter
07-07-11 18:26:37
PonFORDS ::: Favorites
Sweet vid dude. im trying to learn how to kite like that.
07-07-10 12:00:12

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