Monday, August 20, 2007

Atton's Death - KOTOR II

Duration: 02:45 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-05 22:27:08
User: Hazelab
:::: Favorites

I decided to make a concept art type of video to the sound clips of the deleted game footage for Knights of the Old Republic II. Some sound clips; including this one, can be found at: Art done by me. If anyone wants to make a complete version, I would be so pleased! I find my art to be a little bland.

Vegeto098890 ::: Favorites
I'm confused, did Atton die or did he live?
07-07-26 18:21:29
XxCxAxMxX ::: Favorites
07-08-02 10:47:17
SoulCatcher12 ::: Favorites
07-08-03 14:21:44
ninkinwolf552 ::: Favorites
so thats not in the game and i guess thats u not the handmadein i thoght thay get togather
07-08-08 14:47:57
DarthPie42 ::: Favorites
For people confused about this scene, there was a cut scene where Atton confronted Darth Sion. If you the player defeated Sion then the Exile would not have to fight him when they go to confront Kreia, however if Sion defeats the player this scene will play when the Exile finds Atton, this is obviously is the version for a female Exile, I do not know if there was a male version.
07-08-08 21:39:59
icely123 ::: Favorites
i dont get it...this was a cut scene right?...but there are some comments that say that you can make atton a jedi,is that true???if it is plz plz plz tell me...
07-08-13 11:29:31
Hazelab ::: Favorites
That is true. :)
07-08-14 00:10:05
Hazelab ::: Favorites
He did both. ^^; originally he was going to die, but they cut it from the game, so now he lives.
07-08-14 00:11:24
chriscanal ::: Favorites
07-08-15 20:58:02
DragonmasterAl ::: Favorites
I'd love to watch this video, but I've haven't played as the female exile yet, so I'm going to have to set it aside, sorry. But I heard a little bit of the music in it and it sounded great, so i'll give u 5 stars.
07-08-18 00:17:40

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