Monday, August 20, 2007

Simple Life Road Trip 2.08.1

Duration: 09:15 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-10 08:36:05
User: sexyfairy173
:::: Favorites


SimpleLifexx ::: Favorites
Stop with the effin naughty porn sites.Grow up and get a life.Big girls don't look at that nonsence. Speaking the truth-SimpleLifexx-
07-08-14 08:24:26
SimpleLifexx ::: Favorites
If you think Paris and Nicole are stupid than don't watch nine minutes of there show.That is just wasting your "precious" time.If you think they're stupid than don't watch the Simple Life. I live for the Simple Life so don't disrespect it. You have no idea what Paris and Nicole actually go through.Mkay..?? Speaking the truth-SimpleLifexx-
07-08-14 08:28:44
smoke489 ::: Favorites
I said pure stupidity and i mean it because it is. Tell me little 18 yo girl with 5 brain cells who can't even spell "their", what ounce of intelligence do you find in this show and in other reality-tv shows ?
07-08-14 10:04:22
pRRRax ::: Favorites
Pwned by smoke489.
07-08-14 10:07:22
smoke489 ::: Favorites
And please tell what kind of problems are these sluts going trought ? Oh I said slut because i'm actually downloading the "one night in paris" porn tape, so don't get upset by the xxx link related on this vid by the comments. the only problem they have is how should I spend my money today and how should I get laid BG-style tonight. and of course how can i drunk-drive without going to jail.
07-08-14 10:08:19
spearing420 ::: Favorites
Its a show. lol. Lets all argue about it. ew. They clearly made a shit load of money off this show so ??? Yay Paris & Nicole.
07-08-14 10:57:40
bluenotes1981 ::: Favorites
I can only bare 2 minutes of the Simpleton Life.
07-08-16 17:40:28
SimpleLifexx ::: Favorites
I don't find intelligence..I find entertainment. But aparently you don't see that so don't watch it if all your going to do is argue and complain about it..Mkay..? I don't know you so I'm not gonna start something, but I'm just giving you some straight up advice so if your gonna be a bitch about it then come see me cause I will mess you up... Speaking the truth SimpleLifexx
07-08-16 21:17:05
SimpleLifexx ::: Favorites
They had to sleep on a freakin porch with ticks on it...That is very hard to do..People die from ticks so shut your fuckin mouth...
07-08-16 21:18:23
smoke489 ::: Favorites
well Mkay... shut the fuck up first and don't idolise these hoes with the excuse that you find entertainment in a show showing how 2 spoiled girls discovering the truth about hard work and the lifestyle of millions of people out in the "real" world ? Oh so they slept on a porch, and people do die this way ? AMAZING tell me why they actually did it if they where smart enough to know that people die ... on porches... "Mkay" ( wtf are you mr. Hankey ? )
07-08-17 14:14:59

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