Thursday, August 30, 2007

A bit of privacy here?

Duration: 01:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-10 16:40:06
User: girlygirls2610
:::: Favorites

This goes out to all of the girls and the men who want to have fun with the young

mattarch32 ::: Favorites
LoL! Maybe next time someone asks you should ask for money and see what they say! LoL!
07-08-24 05:08:33
ohoward123 ::: Favorites
yea my mom said im not aloud to do videos cuz of perverts
07-08-18 03:48:55
XWITKDS2000 ::: Favorites
Just remember that a predator can still find your true identity by searching the background of your videos for personal items ( certificates...etc.)by IP address and by you accidentally stating names of local places/stores/school name(s). It really stinks to have to be so careful but it is the times we live in, unfortunately.
07-08-13 13:26:47
XWITKDS2000 ::: Favorites
(continued) The internet is a known haven for all walks of life from the child predator to the religious fanatics. How you deal with that is what counts. It seems like you know what is going on and that is your edge.
07-08-13 13:25:32
XWITKDS2000 ::: Favorites
You are 100% correct, your parents have taught you well. Requests are definitely not appropriate to minors especially if they are requesting them to wear specific types of clothing. If I am correct there is an age limit for Youtube and other web based communities. (well, maybe not youtube) The age limits are there for your protection. The parents who allow their children to "roam free" on the internet without supervision should have their heads examined. (continued)
07-08-13 13:24:18
MMaRsu ::: Favorites
Your smart :)
07-08-13 13:16:46
surferdude896 ::: Favorites
there is going to be perverts where ever u go on tha careful what u post...and what requests u do...just have fun n be urself...thats what yt is all about
07-08-12 04:48:39
ModelsAreGreat ::: Favorites
there is a reason they ask they are dirty old men stalking the net and youtube looking for young girls they are called perverts the scum of this earth who should be locked up forever and ever because there is no cure for them they are monsters, child abusers, child killers, etc..i hope that most of the girls they write to work for the FBI and they get tracked down and put away, losers.
07-08-12 04:10:49
skychi ::: Favorites
wow, that's really true. Some people are sickos. I feel kinda bad for you, you must get it a lot.
07-08-11 18:11:26
Songi6 ::: Favorites
woot i just got back from the Projket revolution ((yes is it called thazt)) i got to meet Steve Kat kitty and Jimmy >< weeeee
07-08-11 15:05:11

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