Thursday, August 30, 2007

Miss Teen USA 2007

Duration: 04:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 01:43:25
User: PageantStacey
:::: Favorites

This is a video montage of the new Miss Teen USA 2007

Loser007 ::: Favorites
the sad fact that someone actually thinks SC's question was "kind of hard" just further shows how retarded this great country has become. As an American, i'm ashamed to say that I am one because of the fact that such a dumb human being actually got third after that idiotic answer. And for the record, SC's question is EASIER than a 5th grade question.
07-08-30 01:18:27
phriesen ::: Favorites
what are the duties that need to be fullfilled
07-08-30 00:48:51
schmootoob ::: Favorites
?Yuhr awwsuum eegaw-duhs nahn huhndrid 'n' nahntinahn?
07-08-30 00:48:13
schmootoob ::: Favorites
It's interesting how the replies to me putting this on the various videos of her have shifted with public sentiment since her Today Show appearance, instead of LMAO compliments I'm getting sanctimonious drivel from people "such as" awaveman who pontificate righteously. >eeuhn reel eeungleeush arr eevun spayunish<
07-08-30 00:43:32
bannedfromy0utube ::: Favorites
Colorado, bitches!
07-08-30 00:23:08
Crembu ::: Favorites
It's not very fair for South Carolina since her question was kind of hard and she just repeated a few things but if you think about it it kind of does make sense. for Colorado her questions were really easy even a fifth grader can answer it...I mean it's not really serious.
07-08-29 22:56:17
zooby ::: Favorites
what i mean is where the hell did you get this thing about mexican americans being white? now you're asking if white is a just contradicted yourself.
07-08-29 22:18:02
supergirl4583 ::: Favorites
mann beauty pagaents are just plain wrong!! people should be based off their personality!! whats wrong with the world lately? and shes wearing fake teeth, its so obvious!!!!
07-08-29 21:24:08
DegerateX ::: Favorites
I'd lay the pipe...
07-08-29 21:23:54
blackthunderanger ::: Favorites
colorado is HOT
07-08-29 21:18:19

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