Sunday, August 26, 2007

NASA Airliner Wing Vortice Tests

Duration: 01:03 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-08 03:30:05
User: ATFSCrash
:::: Favorites

L-1011 Airliner Wing Vortice Tests at NASA Langley Research Center, notice how long the vortices stay active and how slowly they move.I should probably elaborate on what I mean by slow. I'm referring to the time between the airliner passing by and the reaction of the smoke. This 58 second movie clip shows an L-1011 Airliner Wing Vortice test at NASA Langley Research Center. NASA conducted the Adaptive Performance Optimization experiment aboard Orbital Sciences Corporation's Lockheed L-1011-100. The program was developed by engineers at the Dryden Flight Research Center. Dryden was also involved in limited wake vortex studies using an L-1011 in 1977. The Adaptive Performance Optimization project is designed to reduce the aerodynamic drag of large subsonic transport aircraft by varying the camber of the wing through real-time adjustment of flaps or ailerons in response to changing flight conditions. Reducing the drag will improve aircraft efficiency and performance, resulting in signifigant fuel savings for the nation's airlines worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

GordonofSeattle ::: Favorites
Why does it take so long? i have always wonderd how this works. When I fly with my Grandpa up in Fairbanks We would some times hit wakes from air crafts that where not anywhere near us (nothing extreme) I have always wonder the cause of this. Anyone> In lamens terms please. Thank you
07-08-17 23:18:38
ATFSCrash ::: Favorites
Vortex flow is essentially a flywheel. Since most of the air is essentially traveling in a circle there is not much loss of energy to friction, so the air can remain in motion for a rather impressive period of time. As far as propagation, the propagation tends to be slow because most of the velocity is going in circles.
07-08-17 23:40:16
GordonofSeattle ::: Favorites
I kind of get it. What do you mean by a flywheel? Thank you for awnering by the way.
07-08-18 00:06:04
A550RGY ::: Favorites
The next time someone says "FAKE", just ask them to provide proof and leave it at that. No more than 10 words, otherwise you look like silly for taking his "challenge", which was very likely in jest, so seriously.
07-08-12 18:41:24
frosty121278 ::: Favorites
its still funny to hear the elaborate justifications and arguements levelled at that kid who said it was fake,(Including the money spent by NASA to create the video!) when the arguement seems so beneth the informed pilot ppl who are commenting, and either way will be over ridden if the kid ever comes back and says".... yeah? well your gay!... or whatever... air sucks! YOU GOT PWND!!"
07-08-06 02:28:28
ATFSCrash ::: Favorites
frosty121278 "either way will be over ridden if the kid ever" I disagree. Perhaps the individual was just a naïve person, in that case we gave him a dignified answer without sinking to his level of abuse. Judging by the language the individual was just a flamer, there's nothing like cool hard facts and logic given without responding in flame that discredits the flamer without giving the flamer the satisfaction of bringing us down to his level.
07-08-06 07:09:42
ATFSCrash ::: Favorites
frosty121278 "either way will be over ridden if the kid ever" "YOU GOT PWND!" I disagree. When you buy into the "you got pawned" aka "just kidding" excuse, you're just buying the con. A lot of these individuals are nothing but subversives trying to undermine the government, to support terrorism. A lot of these conspiracy theories are meant nothing more than to create delusional paranoia and distrust of the government.
07-08-06 07:10:51
ATFSCrash ::: Favorites
The "you got pawned" excuse is often given when an individual realizes that their lies are not going to be believed by others and that the lies are exposing the individual as a fraud. It is also used by individuals that don't have the honor and balls to admit that they were wrong. The "you got pawned" aka "just kidding" excuse is just an immature copout by cowards that lack the bravery, maturity and honesty to admit when they are wrong.
07-08-06 07:21:29
ATFSCrash ::: Favorites
The "just joking excuse" is just an attempt to back out of misconceptions or lies, while still trying to discredit the people that were right all along. However to people like me that don't buy into the con, it just shows that the flamer realized he was being discredited with their own lies, so they often try to play it off as a joke to try to use as damage control and as another attempt to flame.
07-08-06 07:22:30
WashingtonXJ ::: Favorites
This is real, not fake like that kid said. Either way, for those of you who didnt know, wake vortices are created off all aircraft but especially those that are slow, heavy, and clean (no flaps). They rotate in a downward, outward motion from the aircrafts wings- this is why a plane can be seen flying by at an altitude of maybe 2000 feet and the vortices hit the ground about where the NASA test smoke was.
07-07-29 11:06:14
TolgaSen27 ::: Favorites
07-07-29 05:41:09
ButteKhan ::: Favorites
Humm! ITS FAKE! look on the last part, stupid if u dont recognise
07-04-28 14:12:03
ATFSCrash ::: Favorites
If you think it is a fake, make your argument. Why do you think it is fake? Explain your self, elaborate. A lot of people would think your comment is "stupid" The vortex clip is a genuine NASA video. The only thing that was added was sound and credits for the music. I used Pink Floyd to entertain and dramatize the amount of time that it took the vortex to reach the smoke and how long the vortex lasted.
07-04-28 16:18:42
musicalaviator ::: Favorites
I'v seen wake turbulence myself. and heard it. and felt it while inside another aircraft. Often airports do fire tests, and on one occasion smoke drifted toward the threshold of a runway and ended up in a vortex like that. I'v even created wake turbulence I later flew through while doing steep turns in flight training. the bump you feel isn't unlike the effect in a boat hitting wake.
07-05-06 09:55:55
d2k73 ::: Favorites
So you did a steep turn and now you can safely say that the NASA video is a fake? Hmmmm...... I've studyied a/c aerodynamics and wake turbulance during my ATPLs and this looks fairly accurate! The direction the wake is turning and timing of it is characteristic of a wake coming from the right wing of an a/c.
07-05-25 10:02:31
musicalaviator ::: Favorites
ah, why did you reply to me saying that I thought it was fake? the entire point of my post was to point out that it wasn't fake. Where do you get the crazy Idea that I thought it was? I'v done steep turns and know that wake turbulence is real because I'v felt my own. Also the Fire Tests smoke point I made I pointed out the smoke makes similar patterns if a 747 goes overhead near the smoke. Your an idiot. Of course it isn't fake, and don't call me an idiot for thinking what Im not thinking.
07-05-25 10:35:42
niflap ::: Favorites
I've witnessed the flow pattern of wtv's off my own wings when attacking rolls & streamers of toilet paper I threw out. In one of my near misses, the ribbon brushed off my wingtip, & I saw the tissue getting sucked in & curled up as it passed behind.
07-07-07 15:48:24
wrh61 ::: Favorites
Wind check ..? I think I'll let the heavy pass..
07-03-10 19:34:18
DeskFlyer ::: Favorites
07-03-10 04:51:24
HRPuffinStuff ::: Favorites
Great video! Talk about an air disturbance :) Would love to see how deep the vortice became.
07-03-09 20:28:29

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