Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ali G Interviews Andy Rooney

Duration: 03:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-26 15:00:57
User: JesseAndRachel
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Now this is a classic Ali G interview! Rooney actually kicks him out! I never really knew who Andy Rooney was, but now I think he's a fool!


Arckitekt ::: Favorites
Does you fink the old man suspect something is up?
07-09-27 13:27:51
MickPsyphon ::: Favorites
Sarbunn4, I care just as much about your opinion. Unlike you, not everyone believes in censorship. So, take your fascist ideas and get stuffed!
07-09-01 17:45:30
Sarbunn4 ::: Favorites
That's not it at all. What i'm saying is stop watching these videos if you hate them so much. I dont care what you think, all im saying is keep it to yourself and stop complaining about it because NONE OF US CARE!
07-09-01 03:32:43
tfarrell02 ::: Favorites
DickPsyphon, u are a complete idiot..if people find this piece funny and entertaining u dont have come in here and expose yourself as the complete dick that u are...if you dont find ali gs humor as comical then dont come in to posts of his videos and watch them IDIOT...then try to insult everyone who enjoys it.. u are a prick and i hope your life isnt as lame as your sense of humor thats assuming u do have one!!!
07-08-29 00:56:21
MickPsyphon ::: Favorites
tfarrell02, you're an even bigger idiot than you take 'me' for! As my final response to you, I leave you with this parting thought: You come out of nowhere hurling insults and invective, yet you find a similar response unacceptable. You're a hypocrite. Expand your language & mind; then MAYBE you'll avoid getting spanked publicly again. Currently, you're a living example of why Ali G. is lowering the common denominator. Grow up!
07-08-29 00:22:18
tfarrell02 ::: Favorites
u really are retarded arent you!!! noob is an accepatable spelling of the slang term...obviously it describe u since u are useless and have nothing intelligent to say besides trying to insult me.... and i know it is getting late for u oldtimer make sure u put on a fresh adult diaper so u dont shit the bed again gramps!!!
07-08-29 00:04:22
MickPsyphon ::: Favorites
"noob"? ROTFLMHO! I was a 'newb' [correct spelling - from "New Bee"] before you were even born, tfarrell02. As for stirring things up... I stopped posting on this thread 3 wks ago. If you're amoebic brain was capable of anything above hurling insults, you 'might' comprehend what that means. I'd like to continue watching you abuse yourself, but I have better things to do. Besides, it's getting late now; and your mommy's waiting to toilet train you.
07-08-28 23:08:26
tfarrell02 ::: Favorites
again like i said u r a noob and u have better to do with your life than stir up shit on youtube grow up and get a job u fucking scumbag
07-08-28 22:41:07
utick ::: Favorites
07-08-28 21:53:02
MickPsyphon ::: Favorites
tfarrell02, did your parents have any children that 'lived'? If you had opposable thumbs, I'd suggest some material to read at your local library. Unfortunately, you need to evolve a bit higher than fascist, social slug to get a library card. Unlike you, I don't believe in CENSORSHIP; hence, I'll post my opinion if I please. Don't worry, though! You aren't a complete waste... you have the same effect on me as extra strength Ex-Lax.
07-08-28 21:23:58

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