Friday, January 18, 2008

Army Strong

Duration: 01:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-09 23:20:52
User: chcknhawk
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Army  Strong  One  commercial  military  recruiting  


This is the new 60-second Army commercial. As an Army soldier, I love it. It motivates me to remember who I am and I hope it motivates others to join me.


mannylucho ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 02:13:54

HERMANOS TODOS : Barack Obama habla muy lindo, tiene un pico de oro como FUJIMORI ex-presiente del Peru. Fujimori es el autor de ' SI SE PUIEDE " = "YES WE CAN" que Obama COPIA, e igual que Obama parecia hipnotizar a las multitudes y dejo al Peru en ruinas. Obama copia de OTROS en sus discursos, GRAN ENGANADOR, pero un voto por Obama es, al final, UN VOTO por el Partido Republicano. OBAMA SE AVERGUENZA DE SER MULATO y por su LADO BLANCO ES PRIMO DE CHENEY, NVESTIGUEN !
chcknhawk ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 22:34:43

I tend to agree with you, but as a First Sergeant in the Army, I'm doing what I can to change that.
wardog1991 ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 22:29:55

personnally from what i have learned the army doesnt prepare you for after basic they just kinda teach you the basics and also alot of my family was in the army and most of them said to join the airforce, which i would never do. but ive also talked to marines and they say that joining the marines was the best decision they had ever made. its just seems now days that the army is making its training weaker or look weaker to gain more soldiers. but thats just me
LeeroyFan101 ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 20:07:38

yeah but in making a commercial you have to cram as much BS into one short clip as you can cuz everysecond is expensive so you gotta make it look as flashy as possible.
Zerknautscher ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 16:53:50

You're very good at ignoring facts. I just stated, that I don't like the way the military is presented. I know it's a commercial, I know what the function of commercial is, I do not criticise the army, soldiers or the military; I just do not like that clip. I hope you got it this time.
iSHARPSHOT ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 14:44:37

It is a commerical you dumb ass! How is it hilarious, they fight for our country every day. How bout you join the army, you will see how hilarious it really is when you are crying for your mommy after your first day of training.
Zerknautscher ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 13:45:59

Well the Bundeswehr also have ads, for example one that's shown before movies rated 16+ in cinema, but they don't look like excerpts from an action movie. Search for "Luftwaffe Werbespot" on Youtube to find one. You'll probably say it sucks, because there's no action, no hollywoodlike score and no wild special effects, but it works way better for me.
LeeroyFan101 ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 10:09:15

Would you rather have them just running with no sound? Its a commercial its supposed to look cool.
Zerknautscher ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 09:17:13

Yeah you're probably running around all of the time, doing cool things and listen to a wonderful orchestra... I don't like the way it is presented, that's all.
LeeroyFan101 ::: Favorites  2007-12-20 05:03:15

Everything in the video is true. Being in the military is cool. Because anyone can fight for something but it takes something special to fight for someone else.
chcknhawk ::: Favorites  2007-12-19 21:44:11

As a Soldier for the past 13 years, I can tell you that the Army IS fun and cool!! Just like just about every other job, there are times it sucks, but I wouldn't stay if it weren't fun, cool, and challenging. That's what makes us all brothers and sisters.
Zerknautscher ::: Favorites  2007-12-19 10:35:35

Well, I don't say there's nothing like a connection between the soldiers - because there of course is one, since it is a kind of community - but this video gives the impression, that being in the army is all fun and cool and THAT just isn't true. As you might have noticed I'm not one of the "Oh-noes!-The-army-kills-everyone-f*ck-bush!" kiddies, I just don't like the way that military is presented in this clip.
LeeroyFan101 ::: Favorites  2007-12-19 04:00:13

Well I guess you wouldnt understand I mean your probably the kind of person who has never cared about anything else but yourself.
Zerknautscher ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 12:11:49

Oh my god, worst propaganda ever! I mean, that clip is JUST like hollywood, like they're all brothers and heroes and so on. I mean c'mon, this is hilarious. Join the army because it's cool?
chcknhawk ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 07:25:02

Can you tell me where you're from? If I'm going to be tried for war crimes, I might as do something to deserve it and I think you'd be a perfect candidate to go "Nazi" on. I'd get "great comfort and enjoyment" from kicking your ass.

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