Friday, January 18, 2008

Cry for the Pitbull

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-13 23:07:29
User: jenruss
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pitbull  pit  bull  BSL  dog  fighting  


Pics from, song by James Blunt. About the bullshit BSL and what the pitbull can take and still be a loving dog.


rockenchef123 ::: Favorites  2008-01-14 23:03:23

This is so sad and I am doing a video on animal cruelty and I was wondering if you could email the video to me so I can put it on my computer to use in my video, it is for a class
kmksrh1275 ::: Favorites  2008-01-14 10:55:06

tht was sad tht rainbowrige part brought me to tears good vid
BONNIENSCOT ::: Favorites  2008-01-11 20:40:22

I've watched alot of these pitbull videos,and in some of them I keep seeing an abused dog that could be my dogs clone.Every time I see one of the ones that are abused,my blood starts to boil,but when i see that clone,I want to cry.If that dog is anything like my dog(and I'm willing to bet it is)it's one of the sweetest dogs you ever want to meet.HOW can you do that to my babys twin?
kaychi ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 21:18:32

like what i always tell people it's not the dog, it's the owner. unfortunaly there are alot of pitbulls out there that are owned by dumbass people who use them as a show of power. pitbulls are one of the nices dogs i've ever seen and by far are the best with kids. fuck small/toy breeds, those are the ones who bite...
1236987415lol ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 19:35:09

omg... thaTS SAD
CityDogLover ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 15:21:35

Every dog is born balanced, connected, grounded and aligned. A flourishing underground for illegal dog-fighting has finally motivated the U.S. Congress to address the diseased behavior of its most dysfunctional citizens: the dog-fighter! Sign on to the HSUS's petition to your lawmakers asking them to pass the Federal Dog Protection Act today. Remove the dog-fighter from society, not the Pit Bull Dog! Details on my channel.
CityDogLover ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 15:19:39

dmlucky, you are absolutely right! BSL will not stop the diseased minds who make dogs fight. Finally, the knuckleheads in Congress get it--they get that in order to stop dogfighting, the dogfighter must be stopped. Makes perfect sense to me; why it took 6 long years for this bill to come to the Congressional floor, well, is a discussion for another day. What is important is that it is being brought now.
TheGemini1981 ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 16:49:05

Good fucking gawd, I pray to God that I one day could get my hands a useless dog fighter owner!! This is heart breaking! Dont hate the breed hate the irresponsible owners!!!!!!!!
CityDogLover ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 13:45:15

UPDATE TO NEW LEGISLATION: 15 more U.S. House Representative Members have co-sponsored the DOG FIGHTING PROHIBITION ACT (that's 195 of 435)! This bill speaks directly to the dogfighter! If you buy, sell, transport, train or possess fighting dogs, or participate as a spectator at a dog fight, it is a federal felony crime! Say NO to BSL! Ban the dogfighter, not the pit bull dog! Sign that petition today. Details on my channel.
DMLuckyK ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 12:26:52

BSL will push dogfighting underground and this breed will never see the light of day.
n4s250 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 20:33:35

bullshit BSL no damn sense
brabbit6978 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 02:38:52

they soud ban the deed not the breed
ALICIATRUJILLOA ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 18:39:05

aww this is so sad!!! almost made me cry ... i,love pitbulls!!!!!!!!
Nonakos ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 09:55:24

Hi guys! I've got a female pitbull since se's 4 months, now she's 10 years old. She never attacked anyone, she's likes to play with kids or other people. She's my baby and for the moment she has some health problem. Hope we can take it up. All dogs (not only pitbulls) are wonderful, it's simply a question of education. I have to admit that I have been tough with her for her education, but the result is there. I could give my life for her and I'm sure she could do as well. THANKS!!!
tricklife101 ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 00:31:48

Cool Cool if u wana see mine there in my on my MAin youtube page... Plz Comment :D

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