Monday, August 27, 2007

ICD Freestyle 8 Dryfire - NoX Reloaded NXL Full Auto

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-05 04:50:35
User: Codename067
:::: Favorites

Dryfiring my FS8. This was capped. Check out my Paint video.

lolhax3 ::: Favorites
r u selling it? PM me.
07-07-10 00:34:43
Codename067 ::: Favorites
no, no way lol..i love this marker. never selling it.
07-07-20 04:50:26
lolhax3 ::: Favorites
O well u know any places I can buy an FS-8? please PM me asap
07-07-20 15:35:29
Derby096 ::: Favorites
Paintball Nation, dont be stupid:P
07-07-27 00:23:35
lolhax3 ::: Favorites
I'm too lazy to find one. And I like it squeeky new. ya well nvm.
07-07-28 21:46:38
PBplayer1202 ::: Favorites
where can i get a fs7-fs8 or fspro used or new i need help ty, try PMing me so i can find out faster
07-04-18 21:44:51
Codename067 ::: Favorites
07-05-12 04:23:50
pballempire293 ::: Favorites
do you think i should trade an 06 shocker for a fs-8. just wonderin wanna try something else.
07-04-06 14:25:07
Codename067 ::: Favorites
make sure its not a stock FS8 though, get the FS8 a little upped, maybe a new reg or a new lpr
07-04-18 19:42:13
pballempire293 ::: Favorites
do you think i should trade an 06 shocker or a fs-8? just wonderin.
07-04-06 14:24:10
Codename067 ::: Favorites
i would. right away. shockers are known to be very complicated, FS8s are user friendly.
07-04-18 19:41:41
snoboarder8232 ::: Favorites
Thanks to meeeeeee.
07-02-16 14:19:23
Codename067 ::: Favorites
XD =]
07-02-20 19:12:32
muffinman1111 ::: Favorites
what psi is yours on
07-02-07 18:16:11
muffinman1111 ::: Favorites
i have a fs8 too how psi is yours on
07-02-07 18:15:25
Codename067 ::: Favorites
07-02-11 20:55:04
lexserr ::: Favorites
:D. how much you get it for?
07-02-05 19:10:34
Codename067 ::: Favorites
$500 XD [540 with shipping]
07-02-05 21:49:33

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