Monday, August 27, 2007

Paul Fromm ... For Our People - SHOW 5

Duration: 09:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-10 12:27:53
User: CanadaFirst2007
:::: Favorites

For Our People. A weekly show by famous Canadian Freedom Activist Paul Fromm. This weeks show is: The Story of Helmut Oberlander Helmut Oberlander has been the victim of a campaign of vengeance against elderly German and East Europeans since the end of the second world war. Mr. Oberlander has been accused of being a nazi war criminal, with very flimsy evidence. This is Helmut Oberlander's story.

pdhoot ::: Favorites
Yes Mr Fromm, Communism is wrong.. but so is Nazism!! And you are nothing but a nazi who even gave the nazi salute on one of hitler's nazi celebration birthdays in toronto and you still call yourself a traditional christian? What a joke.. haha
07-08-19 17:37:24
canadianbuck77 ::: Favorites
Paul Fromm talks about the things that average middle class people worry about. The Conservtives, Liberals and NDP are just three different flavours of poison for our country. It is so refreshing to hear a real opinion instead of the stupid talking head PC zombies that the mainstream media farts out 24/7
07-08-12 20:58:50
lumster ::: Favorites
The radical militant Zionists that took over our government in America tried to do this same thing with John Demjanyk wrongfully labeling him "Ivan the Terrible" even though it all proved to be just another Zionist lie. The congressman that exposed this lie was railroaded into prison for this effort against these Zionazis! So much for democracy in America!
07-08-12 13:34:01
digitalmorbid ::: Favorites
Thank goodness for Paul Fromm. I've heard of him but never listened until recently on Stormfront Radio. I travel to Canada often and realize many, if not most Canadians don't subscribe to the PC imposed upon them by international jewish elements.
07-08-12 03:53:05
greatwhitenorth88 ::: Favorites
This deportation of an elderly senior citizen is inhumane.
07-08-12 00:07:07
Wilmot ::: Favorites
Great stuff, Paul.
07-08-11 00:46:45
OntaryanBlood ::: Favorites
The authoritative Fascist-like police state of Canada should be ashamed of itself. What a shame.
07-08-11 00:11:13
MaxPayne72 ::: Favorites
07-08-10 15:20:52
Combat18ohio ::: Favorites
wow that a shame.. paul fromm keep up the good fight, your work is great and i am going to start listening to u at midnight.
07-08-10 13:08:42

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