Monday, August 27, 2007

Milkshake; The Ninja

Duration: 00:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-24 20:47:14
User: Hailya
:::: Favorites

My hamster Milkshake is very much so...indeed...a ninja. Btw, my hamster can beat up your hamster. Aaaand Milkshake is a girl hamster. IGNORE SEARCH KEYWORDS: Hamster Stairs Ninja Star Heart Molly The Lion King Skateboard French Vanilla Wafers Chocolate Ice Cream Dr. Pepper Mountain Dew Coke Pepsi Diet Britney Spears Barbie Ken Sprite Music Credit: The Theme From Mission Impossible...2

merrileecutebroaduq ::: Favorites
Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-25 17:45:57
Kimshax ::: Favorites
Pro hamster D:
07-08-08 14:37:25
bramble54 ::: Favorites
i was impressed by his speed!
07-07-04 08:55:26
JAMsquad ::: Favorites
*her : )
07-08-01 19:46:47
SecretForest ::: Favorites
XD cute and funny ^^
07-07-03 17:25:07
ArashiNinja12 ::: Favorites
i like sunflower seed T_T
07-06-30 00:23:50
katatem17 ::: Favorites
Cuteeeee Hamster! But how can it climb stairs? I wish my hamster could do that!
07-05-10 06:23:02
MadManArt ::: Favorites
My hamster, Vega, could totally out-ninja your Milkshake >:]
07-04-28 20:47:30
marieantoinette14 ::: Favorites
so cooooot
07-04-15 21:36:49
MapleBiznat ::: Favorites
this is DarkLogo, NOT [ Dark Logo ] anymore *cries*
07-04-15 09:04:09
Katseira ::: Favorites
OMG kool
07-04-14 10:52:01
Color0fSoul ::: Favorites
all i can say is...LMAO!!!
07-04-06 17:39:18
hannahhey ::: Favorites
LOL that music sooo fits your hamster your hamster looks like my hamster named jewel lol
07-04-01 18:53:15
uvok89 ::: Favorites
LOL a hamster that goes up steps... how did you taught him? or did he learn alone?
07-03-25 09:21:34
5minprod ::: Favorites
he must have teached him very well (cough) (cough)
07-06-10 12:42:45

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